A thought for the miners.

In recent times we have seen the miners from Chile, Australia China and other places who were rescued safely from a mine and over the past week in little New Zealand, a deadly concoction of gasses caused a mine tragedy trapping 29 miners in an underground labyrinth of tunnels.
The first blast left a lot of gas and strategic difficulty in entering the mine, and in the successive 4-5 days after the initial blast, and without confirmation of life a second blast occurred, leading mine operators and specialists to suggest that no-one could have possibly survived.
My thoughts and heart go the families, colleagues and friends of those people who lost their lives. I cant help feel that a couple of them are still alive, but either way, I am just so sad for these people. What a tragic loss, and such a high price to pay for going to work.
(the image and headline is from news.com.au)