Denzel wins!

After many a visit to Denzel's favourite shop, the ABC shop, home for him of all the latest Wiggles DVD's he won a competition in-store. Anyone who purchased the latest Wiggles DVD, and said what their favourite food was could enter a competition where the prize pack included Wiggles dolls, Dvd's, CD's and Wiggles toys with an autographed backpack.

I received the phone call and could not wait to take Denzel to the shop to collect his prize. He doesnt understand what you have won a competition means, so I just took him to the shop and he looked at me as if to say, this is not the normal time I go here, and when the lady came with the box and gave it to him he could not contain his enthusiasm. He had the chance to receive the package and could not believe his luck. He embraced the box and would not let ANYONE touch it. It was a beautiful gift for such an ardent fan of the Wiggles.

We are very pleased for him. THANKS to the ABC shop and their wonderful staff.


Tammy said…
Congrats Denzel! That is so neat, and I'm so happy you won!

And by the way, what is their favorite food? Fruit salad?
Craig Peihopa said…
Mashed banana Tammy! but close!
Anonymous said…
Well done my boy. Think of you often.

Uncle Tub

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