Continuing on
I am about to do the Down Syndrome Calendar artwork for 2010 and I ask myself yet again, where did that year go?
Life is speeding up, not slowing down as I once may have imagined. I have also finished working on creating an instructional DVD for a client and friend who wanted me to do the filming, editing and the voice over narration for an instructional DVD that will be sold in the USA for an automotive product which could potentially sell a few million products, so I have completed that last night, and I will be getting a small, VERY small percentage of the profit should it indeed sell well. I have done so many hours of work and so many jobs for this person and have received NO payment whatsoever, but I truly believe in this guy, I believe in his vision, and believe that it will come off for him. It is exciting to see others now believing in him, and if it works, I might get some money, and if it doesn't, I have helped a good friend.
I have also just finished the artwork for another CD two nights ago for Steve Prestwich, a songwriter and singer, and former drummer of AustraIian rock band legends Cold Chisel and have become quite appreciative of his talents and voice. That has been fun and exciting to have been apart of. I will be giving away a few of that CD when it is printed and complete, which will be 2-3 weeks away.
I have also started compiling a high quality book as a draft on the pictures i have taken of rock bands and music generally. I found a place or company that can produce actual books in one offs or two offs or multiples which are hard cover and classy books, so I could actually produce a sample to show publishers. They are not cheap but boy they look good.
I have two word statues(?) or carvings at home and they are carved out of wood and are quite large. They simply say DREAM & BELIEVE. I look at these words each and every day and follow their subtle prompting.
I am also in the middle of 4 wedding albums and juggling a new presentation for training people on photography and Nikon Cameras specifically for Nikon.
I have also been approached to do another painting, having only done the Jeans previously, which get launched officially along with all the other pairs this coming Monday night, and will be auctioned on July 30. Tickets for that Auction will be $250 per head with all proceeds going to help children's medical research. I am nervous. I hope it sells well, and does well. Not that I see any money for it, it all goes to charity, but because it is my first, I hope it does reasonably well. Though compared to people and true artists like the lady and talent I mention below I am but a bit part player, who has dreams and is grateful for any medium in which to express them.
Here is a picture of the Jeans that a wonderful friend and hugely talented artiste Nafisa Naomi painted of Casey Stoner's jeans. He is a young Motorcycle GP racer, a very successful one at that. He rides a Ducati motorcycle and they loaned a couple of bikes for the shoot together with Nafisa's own bike and I took the photos. I really admire Nafisa's work. I think I am busy until I spend a few minutes with this amazing woman who works tirelessly and consistently. I will hopefully be photographing a few more images of her soon and will feature them here in another post when that happens. I also photographed her poodle Romeo and she loved the portrait I created and so did I. If you look very carefully in the second picture you will even see Romeo sitting on the bike's seat on the Red Ducati Monster! a subtle but cute touch.

My life is certainly very full, and this is what I was alluding to in the previous post titled the Journey. I indicated when I don't have to worry about my weaknesses because others remind me, I was referring to the many jobs I have before me, it seems when I finish one, and take a breather for a few hours, I have one of those clients or friends who I have said I would help calling me or emailing me asking for their project yesterday. But obviously I cannot expect everyone to "get" me and recognise that people's perceptions are different, and I am learning more and more to appreciate the differences.
It is a good time to be alive. I am so grateful.
I must love being busy because it is a space I am want to swim in for the longest period of time. I can however see ahead a light, a glimmer of hope that beckons me forward, a feeling that all the work and all the effort will pay off, so I continue forward in the direction of my dreams. Whether it pays off or not, I have truly lived and opened every door I possibly could to realise my potential and satisfy my desire for inner expression.
Life is speeding up, not slowing down as I once may have imagined. I have also finished working on creating an instructional DVD for a client and friend who wanted me to do the filming, editing and the voice over narration for an instructional DVD that will be sold in the USA for an automotive product which could potentially sell a few million products, so I have completed that last night, and I will be getting a small, VERY small percentage of the profit should it indeed sell well. I have done so many hours of work and so many jobs for this person and have received NO payment whatsoever, but I truly believe in this guy, I believe in his vision, and believe that it will come off for him. It is exciting to see others now believing in him, and if it works, I might get some money, and if it doesn't, I have helped a good friend.
I have also just finished the artwork for another CD two nights ago for Steve Prestwich, a songwriter and singer, and former drummer of AustraIian rock band legends Cold Chisel and have become quite appreciative of his talents and voice. That has been fun and exciting to have been apart of. I will be giving away a few of that CD when it is printed and complete, which will be 2-3 weeks away.
I have also started compiling a high quality book as a draft on the pictures i have taken of rock bands and music generally. I found a place or company that can produce actual books in one offs or two offs or multiples which are hard cover and classy books, so I could actually produce a sample to show publishers. They are not cheap but boy they look good.
I have two word statues(?) or carvings at home and they are carved out of wood and are quite large. They simply say DREAM & BELIEVE. I look at these words each and every day and follow their subtle prompting.
I am also in the middle of 4 wedding albums and juggling a new presentation for training people on photography and Nikon Cameras specifically for Nikon.
I have also been approached to do another painting, having only done the Jeans previously, which get launched officially along with all the other pairs this coming Monday night, and will be auctioned on July 30. Tickets for that Auction will be $250 per head with all proceeds going to help children's medical research. I am nervous. I hope it sells well, and does well. Not that I see any money for it, it all goes to charity, but because it is my first, I hope it does reasonably well. Though compared to people and true artists like the lady and talent I mention below I am but a bit part player, who has dreams and is grateful for any medium in which to express them.
Here is a picture of the Jeans that a wonderful friend and hugely talented artiste Nafisa Naomi painted of Casey Stoner's jeans. He is a young Motorcycle GP racer, a very successful one at that. He rides a Ducati motorcycle and they loaned a couple of bikes for the shoot together with Nafisa's own bike and I took the photos. I really admire Nafisa's work. I think I am busy until I spend a few minutes with this amazing woman who works tirelessly and consistently. I will hopefully be photographing a few more images of her soon and will feature them here in another post when that happens. I also photographed her poodle Romeo and she loved the portrait I created and so did I. If you look very carefully in the second picture you will even see Romeo sitting on the bike's seat on the Red Ducati Monster! a subtle but cute touch.

My life is certainly very full, and this is what I was alluding to in the previous post titled the Journey. I indicated when I don't have to worry about my weaknesses because others remind me, I was referring to the many jobs I have before me, it seems when I finish one, and take a breather for a few hours, I have one of those clients or friends who I have said I would help calling me or emailing me asking for their project yesterday. But obviously I cannot expect everyone to "get" me and recognise that people's perceptions are different, and I am learning more and more to appreciate the differences.
It is a good time to be alive. I am so grateful.
I must love being busy because it is a space I am want to swim in for the longest period of time. I can however see ahead a light, a glimmer of hope that beckons me forward, a feeling that all the work and all the effort will pay off, so I continue forward in the direction of my dreams. Whether it pays off or not, I have truly lived and opened every door I possibly could to realise my potential and satisfy my desire for inner expression.