City shots
At the Jeans for Genes launch on Monday night I took a couple of images of people that I really loved at the event which I wanted to place here, and afterwards I went out and walked around the city and took a few interesting shots that I liked and thought I would share. I like looking at seemingly common things I have seen on more occasions than are worth recalling, in a new and different way.

Just got off of the phone (working again, different phone) with my daughter, who - in the last year or two or so - has discovered the wondrous ability to look at the world in a whole new way through photography. She says that she is sometimes able, particularly if she's been 'shooting' a lot, to visualize (actually 'see') specific images in a kind of overlay.
I'd like to comment on a couple of your photos and then perhaps ask a question or two, if I may.
(3rd photo) ... LOVE this candid shot of a young girl!
(14th) ... What IS this plant, anyway? Looks very similar to one or two I have in my own backyard!
(15th) ... OK. You've got me (again!). Trunk and roots of WHAT tree, Craig? Indigenous to Australia?
(19th) ... LUV this one, particularly the way in which all of the external colors, lights and images are reflected off of the name plate. Established in 1838? May that plate long continue to be so polished!
That's it, babe ... loved this post!
3rd picture thanks.
14th - I believe it is a type of Fern - what I don't know.
15th - Umm I don't know! I know that is not the answer you were wanting, I will see if I can find out and let you know.
the 19th is a great image. Did you notice me in the middle taking the picture?
Thanks for your comments
LOVE your response to the next one! Is that a curiosity or what? Looking at it more closely now, I think my best guess might be some sort of prehistoric elephantine-type creature with very small feet. Whatever it is, Craig, you captured it in your camera's sights beautifully!
And NO, I didn't notice that you were in the middle taking the picture on #19! (And I've gone back again and again to look at it.) ? Should I have noticed a photographer or person here? Whatever it was that I should have noticed but missed, my still lingering perception of this photograph is that it is just a GREAT shot!
Yeah the elephantine creature somes it up pretty well, that is the impression it gave me.
And as for the David Jones plaque, you can see the black thing in the middle with some hands around it, my camera and lens "witch" my hands around it!!!
I have enjoyed your commenst on this post. You are a comedienne!
i'm surprised you still like me and visit me after i've been MIA in blogging, Craig.
your city and building images always amaze me because of how perfectly you capture the lighting and angles. They look so real and delicate.
LOVE them.