A note of sadness

This tragic news just in today. I am so saddened to learn the following story. Thankfully I can put this into perspective and not judge the world by the stupid antics of one, or a few. What a waste for the couple who perished for being kindly neighbours and what a waste for the person who will now spend a number of years in prison away from a partner and child. All the pain and anguish was avoidable.

Woman 'killed elderly couple in cat dispute'
By Sue Dunlevy
August 25, 2008 12:13pm

Police charged neighbour with double murder

A 42-YEAR-old woman has appeared in court charged with the murder of an elderly couple on the New South Wales far south coast.

Tracey Lee Pratt faced Batemans Bay Local Court today charged with murdering Ken Keyte, 86, and his wife Margaret Keyte, 71.

The couple's bodies were found by police at their home on Beach Road, Batehaven, about 9.30pm (AEST) on August 10.

Both had severe head injuries which police believe were caused by a blunt instrument.

The Daily Telegraph reports that a dispute over a pet cat appears to have led to the bashing deaths.

Ms Pratt, who lives seven doors down from the murder scene, was allegedly involved in a dispute with the couple after Mr Keyte rescued the woman's cat from a possum trap.

Local service station owner Gary Bailey told The Daily Telegraph: "Margaret told me she was very concerned for Ken's safety."

The trouble began when Mr Keyte rescued the woman's grey tabby cat from a possum trap in the yard next door to his house, Mr Bailey said.

When Mr Keyte returned the cat to the woman she is alleged to have accused him of trapping it.

How could she have gotten it all wrong and resorted to this behaviour as an answer? What happened to discussion, understanding and common courtesy.


Tammy said…
"discussion, understanding and common courtesy" ?? They don't seem to exist much anymore between neighbors. So sad.....
Tammy said…
I may post this on my own blog with a few thoughts. It has me thinking..... I'll link back to your blog if I do.
Goldenrod said…
That is SUCH a sad story, Craig! Now that you have posted it, I hope you will not lose any more sleep over it. "S***," as they say, "happens!" :'(
Craig Peihopa said…
Tammy. it's so true. It doesn't begin to share the depth of sadness I feel for all concerned.

feel free to use the story if you wish. It helps me want to be a little more tolerant and caring.


Goldenrod it's true, thanks for your comment.
Ruby Rideout said…
People never cease to amaze me.

I'd like to hope though, that there are more good people vs. evil ones in our world.

As for this crazy one: UNREAL.
Anonymous said…
To have behaved in such an extreme manner, to have reacted so violently...obviously there is something very, very wrong in terms of brain function and personality. I would be intrigued to know the outcome of a psyche assessment.


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