Down Syndrome Calendar cover 2009

Where has the time gone?
I started out 10 years ago with an idea to create a calendar which thumbed it's nose at the "established" way of doing calendars for charities. I was always of the feeling that if only 12 pictures could be used (1x per month) from an interstate calendar creation from a couple of associations around the country, the chances of seeing kids from our specific association in this state could take years. I also felt at the time I suggested this in the first place, that the process lent itself to being political and selective which I felt then, and now, was wrong.
I suggested at an association committee meeting that we create a calendar for EVERYBODY. No one would be left out. The determining factor was to be up to the people themselves as to whether THEY submitted a picture or not. Once I suggested that, everyone offered their points of view and then unitedly turned to me and said, Well? are you going to do it?
Not having the photoshop skills I possess now and with no prior experience I said "yes", thinking I would start it, do one or two and then someone else would want to take it on. 10 years on, I am still doing it, and still loving it though it is an annual contribution of mine I do not get any payment for whatsoever and consumes around 50 hours of time.
There are lots of people who share the same feelings about the calendar as I do. It has taken on a life of it's own and features in many places around NSW and even interstate. I am grateful to be but a small vehicle to help perpetuate positive images of these tremendous people and help build a well spring of community understanding toward Down Syndrome generally.
This is the cover for 2009!
The look on the boy's face who caught the fish....oh that is priceless. His smile brings tears to my eyes.
What a lovely idea for a calendar!
It is a labour of love and it pleases me that I can be a small instrument to produce these and have them loved and treasured by everyone. We have one lady who lives in regional NSW who sells 200 EVERY year. She sells one to EVERY business in her country town and sends them as Christmas gifts to her friends because her daughter is in the calendars. It warms my heart to think I had a small part in their joy.
God bless you my friend.