200th post

It has been an interesting journey over these last 200 posts. I have paused over the last few days, weighed heavy with the things in the world that have seemed difficult for me to comprehend. The wars, the whole "power" issue. I heard it said from Bill Clinton one time that the "narcotic of choice in Washington is power". It is not limited to Washington I submit.

I have also had the tail end of a flu which has sapped me of strength and motivation and I was wanting to make this post a momentous post as though it represented a major milestone, though I circumspectly realise if it does mean anything at all, it is probably only to me.

I have been humbled, astounded, angry, sad and elated over these last two hundred posts. I am very grateful that I have been able to express myself in this forum. I have shared a great deal of myself and been criticised and praised for doing so. I have enjoyed it all. I guess I have especially been curious to see myself through the eyes of others, some who write here and others who email me directly and still others who talk with me privately. A big thank you to all of you.

Here is to another 200!

Cheers and thanks again.


Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your 200th post Craig!

Kudos to you for hanging in there and persisting even in the face of opposition at times.

Your blog remains an enjoyable place to visit.
Your images are always engaging.

Here's to another 200 posts!

Goldenrod said…
Most DEfinitely a 'you' post, Craig. Am sorry that you've down with the flu. Get better soon, and a big congratulations on your 200th!
Craig Peihopa said…
Thank you V2T, much appreciated.


Thanks to you also Goldenrod
Tammy said…
Congrats on your 200th post!

I, too, have found blogging to be an amazing outlet. "Getting it down on paper" seems to help me center my thought and see certain issues for what they really ARE or AREN'T. Though blogging hasn't changed who I am, it has made me aware of how others see me. Very interesting.

I haven't been reading your blog for very long, but I've enjoyed what I've seen so far. Here's to your next 200 posts!
Craig Peihopa said…
Many thanks Tammy. I am grateful you visit here.

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