Website that targets "photographers"

I have just seen a website dedicated to "outing" people who have listed businesses as a photographer on the web who have apparently just bought a decent DSLR camera and started calling themselves a photographer. I looked at many of the pictures they criticise and thought their assessment on some were correct and on some others may have been a little harsh, but all of them interesting. In a small way I might agree with their criticisms but the wonderful thing about art is that what appeals to some may not appeal to others. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, or the paying customer.
I have good friends who have done similar things by buying a DSLR and setting up a facebook page and business, but I do believe like everything, if you have passion and are prepared to do whatever it takes to master your craft anyone can become a great photographer. It takes discipline and desire.
A dear friend Holly is a prime example, she did almost exactly that, BUT she has talent and creativity and is struggling, like all great artists to find her method of expression and I admire her tenacious ability and talent - and may I add, so do her growing number of clients. In her case someone who previously was keen to help her (a photographer) has all of a sudden become a little jealous (my interpretation) and distanced herself from holly and even targeted her in advertising. How sad. We all bring something to what we do that is unique and interesting. There is room enough for us all.
Even my own friend said the other day that the work I am doing now was not the same as a year or 10 years ago, you just get better at it I believe.
I dont see myself as a photographer so much as I kind of see myself as a story teller with pictures.I would also like to think that quality and experience play a vital and important part of securing the services of a creative photographer.
Check out the website HERE