An audience with the Governor General

Last night I was fortunate to be invited along with around 30 other people to Admiralty House on Sydney Harbour where we were guests of the first female Governor General, Quentin Bryce.
We were all guests as a result of the continuing charitable contributions and commitment to the amazing body known as the Children's Medical Research Institute (CMRI).
The Governor General was just two days prior to her hosting the Queen's visit to Australia, which may well be the Queens very last tour to the country. The Governor General was gracious, courteous and warm.
For the regulars to my blog, you may be looking for a photograph of me with the Governor General but with the protocols when dealing with her it is inappropriate for her to pose for a picture with so many people in attendance, and it is something that needs to be raised and organised long before the visit.
That said however, it was a pleasure to mingle with her and witness the person she is first hand. I have been fortunate to have visited this beautiful building four times previously with four previous Governors General and have been honoured to rub shoulders with these chosen people who are in a very real sense as close to Royalty that we have in this country.
True they are not born to the role but are selected by the Government, and whilst the responsibilities are many and varied, it is largely a ceremonial role they fulfill.
I was invited NOT as a photographer but as a guest, but imagine me without a camera to such an event? Pahleease!
