Just one thing!

You can do so much. You can go so far. You can surpass so many expectations. You can work such magic. You can experience such joy. You can achieve much success.

What stands in the way of this?

Only one thing...

Your own reticence. Your fear, your doubt, your regret, your anger, your apprehension. That may sound like much more than just one thing. But one thing, is all that it is. It is negativity. Negativity is the master of disguise. It will dress itself up in whatever it imagines will allow it to seem most persuasive. Don't be fooled!

Negativity is a master of disguise. Or maybe it is a mistress. That's the thing about negativity. We never see it for what it truly is. We see it for what it purports to be. It dresses up as anger, fear, doubt, resentment, anxiety, disappointment etc. When we see through the facade, the negativity does not reveal itself; it just changes shape. That's because it has no shape.

I read this today and thought it soooo applied to me!


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