Another year another sports carnival!

For regular viewers you will recognise the yearly update on Denzel's school activity on the last day of the term and yesterday proved interesting yet again for the little man.
He clearly thinks little of the sack races and thinks that all that jumping about is a bit beneath him, yet to his credit he tried and reached the finish line, notwithstanding another race had started! He had a decent go at the shot put and did reasonably well all things considered. They had a foam based spaghetti strand they used for Javelin and I thought highly of him for trying.
I love the innocence and joy in his and his class mates' eyes at every little accomplishment, whether it is considered to be an accomplishment by the rank and file or not.
Denzel's mum Marcelina even dressed to support the yellow team! He did OK and he was amply rewarded afterwards with some enjoyable lunch. I am so grateful that there are people like the teachers, support teachers and volunteers who love what they do. It is a mammoth commitment in energy and time. Denzel's teacher this year, he is clearly pleased with looking at his smile next to her!
