Trudie Ann Moore, Shaman
I have known a talented woman for some time and she is an artist, a fantastic person and as it happens a Shaman, of which the dictionary describes as "a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits, esp. among some peoples of northern Asia and North America. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual, and practice divination and healing."
I am a lover of Native American Indian culture and wisdom and when I heard that Trudie was a Shaman I was immediately curious to know more.
I have very strong Christian leanings and many in such a groove would warn me away from people who practice or believe in things that delve in areas beyond the parameters of Christianity.
Yet with part curiosity and part belief that I feel that there are many things in life that exist for our benefit and that a casual dismissal of some "extra" information may in fact impede one's understanding or assistance in accomplishing one's goals, I proceeded on.
Armed with this information and feeling, I went to the home of Trudie Ann Moore where I met with her two wonderful pet dogs or family members and Bev, Trudie's gracious partner. I was there to take some pictures of Trudies work, some of which I will post here, and I also then had the chance to be a witness to an angelic clearing or Soul Surgery as it is called.
Now I have rarely been a sceptic of things I dont understand - and was not going to become one here, now.
I am of a rich polynesian heritage where beliefs and feelings stretch far beyond the things that we have become accustomed to accepting n the western world, and so I go into such environments with a degree of caution, and at all times monitor my own feelings. If at any time I felt uncomfortable in the least degree, I would extracate myself from such a situation or place.
I felt none of these.
Trudie sat in a room, opposite me by about three feet and went silent. The minute or so seemed to last a while. I was encouraged to close my eyes and obliged. In that intervening few minutes during the time when Trudie was speaking I felt a peace and a certainty that the hopes and dreams I have planned for myself will indeed happen.
In reality, I felt that even before entering Trudies home, but what followed for me was a resonance of acceptance from what she said, and when harmonised with what I already felt, seemed to become more resolute and powerful. It was a most pleasant few minutes where Trudie had no theatrics, no fake voice, no heavenly thunderings or lightning, it was just a quiet expression of encouragement for me to move forward with renewed coinfidence and knowledge that my hopes were no longer elements of hope but foundations for reality.
I have waited a while to write this post as I reflected on a number of things personally.
Since this occured I have experienced in some measure the quietest couple of months financially of my career. There have been some close financial shaves covering many things with airfares internationally, funeral, bills, cars and other equipment repairs and failures that occurred at the same time that took quite a toll on me in many ways.
Yet through the uncertainty and rising cloud of doubt, I KNEW that things would work out fine. It was not a vocalised feeling to part reassure myself and part bravado, it was an internal, innate understanding that I knew it would work together for my benefit.
My feeling before the year began was such that I felt this one single year was the one I had waited all my life for, and to date had certainly not continued with the uplift and fanfare I was hoping for, however, I have never given up on my dreams or on myself.
I admit however there have been times when i have pondered much and had to battle against thoughts about why things that I most want seem to take the longest to arrive - and literally battled within against the occasional thought wondering if it ever would happen for me, or if all that I am working toward concerning my hopes and dreams will be worth it.
My resolve holds true.
I learned a quote the other day that Francis Ford Coppola is reported to have said, that "Passion is everything", and yet another quote from John D Rockefeller " I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature".
These two virtues are becoming part of who I am. Even if I am dragged kicking and screaming into imbuing them as part of my make-up.
I said to a friend this week who aspired this year to learn wisdom, that "wisdom only comes after you have taken risks and after you have made mistakes, don't grow too old too soon, have fun"!
I still feel that this year is going to be huge for me, there are so many things hovering around me which I have a strong belief and faith that they will in fact occur.
So to return to the place I began, I think in my personal quest, I will continue to embrace wisdom,thoughts and wishes if they are of benefit and are of good report from wherever they may originate, and for someone who wants to help unleash the strength that comes from within, Trudie may be a very welcome person to help you move more easily into the areas you most want to be in.
So, if there are any among you that not so much want to communicate with the realms beyond, but find a way to get rid of the emotional baggage and heal the soul, Trudie is the person you need to see.
She can be found here
click here to find me!
She also has a range of meditational CD's which you can purchase from her
I am posting only a few of her artworks on the blog and remember that it IS Original artwork and is copyrighted to Trudie Ann Moore and photography is copyrighted to me, so please do not use or distribute these images without asking first.
He mihi aroha ki a koe e te rangatira!
Mun & Tei