
After the devastating floods in Queensland in recent weeks which has left much of that state mopping up and trying to rebuild their lives and communities, a further threat called Cyclone Yasi touched on the coast last night. It was a category 5 cyclone and accompanied with that were winds up to 300km / per hour.

Thankfully, of all the pre-cyclone concerns and damage estimates, the result has been relatively small. I have seen some images on the wonderful coverage of 7 news where some homes were demolished, many roofs and signs were dashed in pieces, and 95% of Australia's banana plantations were decimated, yet of all that could have happened, it was a very good result.

Here in Sydney, some miles and distance away from Queensland, we are in the middle of a forecast 7 day heatwave. Today is the first cloudy day but the humidity is very high. at 8am this morning the temperature was 32 degrees celcius and it is a very sticky day. The other day in Penrith it reached 44 degrees celcius and thanks to Tammy, a friend, she calculated that equals 111 degrees in farenheit, and where she is in idaho in the USA, it is at the same time -11 degrees farenheit, a massive difference!


Tammy said…
Yes, it's so strange to me to think there is over 120 degrees difference in temperatures *right now* where we both live. And that you are experiencing a hot, Hot, HOT summer, while we are in the middle of a freezing winter. And...LOL...that you are an entire day ahead of us! What an amazing thing the internet is...giving us the ability to make friends clear around the world and learn a little about life outside our 20 mile comfort zones surrounding our homes. Amazing.

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