Today was Australia Day and is a national public holiday. I applaud any public holiday, and such an occasion as this countries celebration as a mighty fine place to live. We are quite remote from the rest of the world and feel that is a blessing in many ways. It has caused me much reflection on what it is to be Australian and whatever the meaning may or may not imply, I am proud to be a citizen of this great country. The day has all but gone, as the fireworks explode almost directly over my home as I write this post. Not going to photograph it, but just enjoying the freedom's we enjoy and take very much for granted here.
This morning I was awoken by some hot air balloons that came down in front of my house, two in fact, in an unscheduled stop. I didn't want to know why, but they could not go any higher, I took some pictures of that and placed them here for your interest.

It was interesting to see the support crews driving around like lost sheep trying to find access to the actual place they landed.

Half of the neighbours were out to see the spectacle and it was a good feeling of bonhomie amongst us all. After that we celebrated the public holiday by going and having a wonderful breakfast with a glorious soy milk hot chhocolate. Yummmo! Then we went to chowder bay for a look, and even saw a Nudist beach - sign included for those so disposed!

All up it was a great day. I have been away over the past few days at the Tamworth Country Music festival and will write more over the next little while of that experience.
I thought of you on Australia Day. I had to look several times at my calendar and saw it written on there. You know...cuz my calendar is one from Australia with same awesome photography. ;)