New found adventures
I have long been a lover of all things Native American, I have felt drawn in more ways than one to the wisdom, of their wise, horrified at their barbarism within certain tribes, but overall appreciation of the way the native American Indians blended within their environment, never to destroy it but to perpetuate it for generations yet to come. One of my nephews has been adopted by a Canadian Indian tribe in like a cross cultural exchange he being a Maori kapa haka or Maori cultural performer and follower, I guess would be appropriate to say, went there once. I believe he has been there several times since. Their culture not unlike my own is rich with significance, tradition and thought.
Perhaps it would be a cheapened thing to note, but I have always wanted a REAL full indian head dress, not so much to wear but to have on display in my home, why? because I have always wanted it.
Since becoming a devotee of ebay, I have seen dozens if not hundreds of cheap terrible looking ones over time, and occasionally some gorgeous beautiful ones. I saw this yesterday.

I asked my nephew once to ask the Canadians if I could get one, within reason I would have been happy to buy it, he reported back to me that they said, they would be happy to give him one, but that it would be for him, and should not be given away. Well said, so I keep looking on ebay. I saw one once when I was in minnesota that was beautiful, but they wanted $2200 US, which at that time was around $3100 Australian, now we are at .93 US cents and the rate exchange is much better, but I would have a hard time justifying that money on what amounts to a trinket in my home, but I still love them. I would pay $300-$400 for one that I liked.
I have been a little quiet and looking at the friends I have on the net, they are quiet on blogging mostly as well. But I am happy and grateful for life and the chance I have to live it.
Perhaps it would be a cheapened thing to note, but I have always wanted a REAL full indian head dress, not so much to wear but to have on display in my home, why? because I have always wanted it.
Since becoming a devotee of ebay, I have seen dozens if not hundreds of cheap terrible looking ones over time, and occasionally some gorgeous beautiful ones. I saw this yesterday.

I asked my nephew once to ask the Canadians if I could get one, within reason I would have been happy to buy it, he reported back to me that they said, they would be happy to give him one, but that it would be for him, and should not be given away. Well said, so I keep looking on ebay. I saw one once when I was in minnesota that was beautiful, but they wanted $2200 US, which at that time was around $3100 Australian, now we are at .93 US cents and the rate exchange is much better, but I would have a hard time justifying that money on what amounts to a trinket in my home, but I still love them. I would pay $300-$400 for one that I liked.
I have been a little quiet and looking at the friends I have on the net, they are quiet on blogging mostly as well. But I am happy and grateful for life and the chance I have to live it.