Zoo & Aquarium in Canberra, ACT (Australian Capitol Territory)

The other day in Canberra, I was afforded the opportunity through some dear friends, the chance to go around this small but wonderful zoo. I had the chance to feed the Giraffes, see all of their wonderful exhibits and the absolute highlight was to be at the same ground eye level of one of natures most efficient and fastest animals. Chatting with a cheetah and patting two of them was simply a wonderful experience that YOU too can enjoy. It costs $150 per adult, kids not allowed, but without exception is worth every cent of that as an experience. It was a genuine thrill for me. I have never been in the actual enclosure with an animal before, but I have patted through the cage wire (under strict supervision at a previous zoo) a snow leopard, a tiger, a lion and a kodiak bear and thought that was a great thrill but THIS was a unique and special experience, TOUCHING even!

The pictures of me with the Cheetahs were NOT taken by me obviously, but thanks goes to Nafisa for doing that. What a lasting special memory. It is just when the photos are processed as a batch they come up with all the one name and wanted to ensure I acknowledged with thanks the person who actually took them.


Tammy said…
Oh, the girls and I think this looks like a wonderful experience! It reminded us of the special behind the scenes tour we took at Seaworld, where we got to hand feed the turtles and pet some sharks.
Goldenrod said…
Were these critters (the cheetahs) under the effects of some sort of tranquilizer? Yeah, I'll admit that it would have been a wondrous moment, but still! "What if not?"
I shudder to think!!

Great photos, btw. :)
Craig Peihopa said…
Yeah Tammy, I take it to be very similar an experience to what you had. And NO Goldenrod, they were not sedated, they were just tired, but the moment a small child came near the cage outside they sprung into attack position. It was amazing to watch.

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