Time passes
Not much to say here other than I have been flat to the boards busy...again. I must love it as I find myself becoming busier and busier. I have had a few disappointments, a few let downs and some really nice moments, and the latter part makes all the grind worthwhile. I am a very fortunate person. These pictures are a few which have happened in the last little while. There is SO many more images that I have taken of artists, painters, weddings, portrait shoots and even family outings but these are just a sampling. The shots of me are in the Old Parliament House in canberra, and I really like them of me. I love that building. If only those walls could talk. You will notice that I have done the cover for the latest installment of the Down Syndrome Calendar as well for 2010. That should be finished soon. I have also finished the artwork for a new CD for Steve Prestwich, the former drummer of Cold Chisel and will be giving away two copies of that to the first people who can tell me what major song he wrote that Cold Chisel recorded. I have had it on my blog previously. Lastly, the pictuers below are of a dear friend Mimi and her colleagues and friends whose birthday party I photographed. I thought I would show some pictures here.

We have 1 winner! She correctly identified one of the main songs.
1 more to go!
love, nita
Emily's and my guesses on the album (which by the way, the cover is also gorgeous) are When the War is Over or Forever Now.