Dual Battery Kit Instructional DVD

This is a project I filmed, edited and even did the voice over for! It is a curious piece of history for me. The unit itself is about to be sold in this country and in the USA. This was one of the many things I have done for a friend to help him with his business. I haven't been paid as such, but I just wanted to help him. IF it works for him, I believe he will be kind to me for the work I have done. He is a good bloke anyway.

It goes for 8 minutes odd and if you wanted to hear my voice for those of my blogging friends in the US, here is your chance.



Tammy said…
This is VERY nice. I don't do well with written instructions, in fact I can't even set a digital watch if I have to use the written directions. They may as well be written in a different language for all the help they are for me.

I am such a visual learner, and I am thinking even I could do this with your video.

I hope you and your friend do well with the dvd. :)
Craig Peihopa said…
Thanks so much Tammy. I am like you. I learn visually as well.
Goldenrod said…
Aye, but this is very nice, mate!

I was interrupting in my listening to your YouTube instructions by the incoming reception of a duplicate e-mail (the first one was unwanted, as well!) and found myself saying out loud - in a 'very authentic' Australian accent, "Aw, come on now! Ah've already got that one!!"

Don't ever let me get to Australia nor you here, either, Craig. My accent will be comPLETEly undistinguishable! :)
Craig Peihopa said…
too funny Goldenrod. Oh, and I WILL get to TExas one day. That IS a promise!
Tammy said…
I've got you both beat...an Idaho accent is the one you want to have! ;)
Craig Peihopa said…
IDAHO?!! fun stuff Tammy!
Tammy said…
Yes, the Idaho accent is quite unique...a combination of scorched desert dust caught in our throats during the summer and frozen vocal cords during the winter.

Love ya both... ;)
Craig Peihopa said…
right back at you Tammy!
Goldenrod said…
Time out, guys! Time OUT, I say!!

Tammy, you delude yourself - bless your heart - into thinking there is such a thing as an 'Idaho accent'. I mean, give me a break here!

All right. I propose that, as neither Tammy nor I - I'm correct in that assumption, am I not, Tammy? - will be getting to Australia any time soon, that the three of us meet, Craig, at a 'neutral' spot (your choosing, the next time you're in the USA) between "our" (Tammy's and my) two locations.

Denver? Colorado Springs? Whatcha think, Tammy? Do we have a 'go'?
Craig Peihopa said…
That would be great! Though I do want togo to Texas AND visit the Tetons! did I spell that Correctly? I want to photograph your environs! I WILL get there, who knows when but it may well be sooner than I think!
Tammy said…
Oh yes, a visit would be wonderful! Don't forget, the Tetons are less than an hour away, and Old Faithful is an hour and a half away. ;)

Would love to make it to Australia some day...so many things I'd love to see there.

I guess there is beauty everywhere, though, right? Such a wonderful world we live in.

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