We have a fighter in the family

I have been a little absent minded of late. I have been really concerned about one of my Brothers-in-law Bruce, who has been unconscious, and still is, in hospital. On Friday he was given 12 hours to live, his body had started shutting down, and as I write this on Sunday evening, they have taken him off dialysis and they are considering taking him off the respirator. He is not showing too much awareness of his surroundings, but what a fighter he is. He is the bishop in his local parish or ward and his parishioners have all been to visit him, and the family has been conducting a vigil at his bedside. It has been an interesting and heartwarming experience to witness the movements and support networks from the wider family. Bruce is not out of the woods, but I hold much hope that we might yet see a miracle.

POSTSCRIPT - dated 20 June 09

Yes we did see a Miracle. Bruce is still in hospital but now in the general ward, out of Intensive care. After only a week ago of him knocking on heavens door, this is truly amazing. I spoke with him yesterday and I can tell you my new nickname for him is Lazarus, and I will make it stick. A guy who has come as close to death as any I have known, and lived to laugh about it, is a living, breathing miracle. Thanks to the big Man upstairs.


Ruby Rideout said…
your situation with bruce reminds me of mine with my aunt a few years back on dialysis. It's scary, yes....but she was fighter like Bruce.

thought and prayers with you and your loved ones right now Craig.
Craig Peihopa said…
Thank you Ruby, I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
Tammy said…
Wow, what an amazing story!

Lazarus...a perfect nickname.

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