Black Friday

Well it is Saturday morning here now as I write this and by now the world is fully aware that Farrah Fawcett has died, along with musical genius Michael Jackson. I think it would be fair to say that one time when I was in my formative years I and every other young man I know would have been swept up in Farrah fever and gone with her in a heartbeat, I thought her smile was wonderful.
Now for Michael Jackson, I saw this guy in concert twice and was mesmerised. I can honestly say of all the concerts I have ever been to, seeing Michael was never like closing your eyes and listening to a CD of his music, he really entertained, he assaulted the senses and really delivered a show that left you breathless. I for one shall miss Michael Jackson, there are already lots of tasteless jokes circulating about him and someone said to me yesterday when it was announced he died, "Good Riddance!" to which I believe was an unkind assessment of a person who lived most of his life in a fish tank with the eyes of the world looking in, under such scrutiny I wonder how many of us wouldn't look weird in some measure.
Admittedly, he is not the same facially as he once was, but so what, if that is what he wanted. I wonder why he was so disdained and vilified. When other people get facial or breast or other surgeries, they may be criticised in some measure but the world's media seemed to go after him with relentless voracity calling him WHACKO. It's a shame. A shame that a person's worth and overall contribution is dismissed and removed in the broad sense because of a single moment of poor judgement or in a more sinister and disguised way, because someone is different. Who will the paparazzi target now?
Farewell Michael and thanks. My autographed picture of him has taken on a whole new importance to me.

I spent much of yesterday wondering what they are thinking RIGHT NOW. Were their thoughts of the afterlife what they thought they'd be? Were they surprised? Were they expecting whatever happened right after death? Are they celebrating their reunification with passed loved ones or are they still comforting loved ones on this earth with their presences?
Would love to know...and I suppose one day I will...