
I was asked by a good friend the other day to take some head shots for him. He is an actor and needs the head shots as part of his modeling portfolio and needs to have the images updated in the actors materials and so forth. I enjoyed it and found the exercise fun. I will include only 3 here that I like of the 200 odd images I shot.
I am also including a shot of Rudi with his beautiful daughter Ocea as in Ocean without the N! and one with his lovely wife Brooke.
We don't know if the acting agent will actually use them as he wanted Rudi to go to his "preferred" photographer, and the last time he did that the shots were average. So we'll wait and see.

Post Script 24/9/08...................
Rudi reported to me yesterday that his agent who is very particular about the photographers and the like has seen and loves the images I took. Rudi's brother Tristan couldn't believe it was just taken against a white wall next to Myrtle the Turtle's tank!
I did use a two light set up with a pink fluro as an offset third light. The reason that excites me is that there are people way beyond my circle of friends with industry knowledge and experience who recognise that I have something that stands out from the crowd and that excites me!!