It's all gorgeous!

I have been putting some bad news up here in recent times but wanted to place this news picture and item from
This is a picture, a beautiful one I might add, taken of the young actress Anne Hathaway, whom I think is classically glamorous, and from what I have seen, very generous and down to earth as well.
I like those qualities.
It is just a great picture, a great dress and a wonderful subject. Wish I had taken the picture. Hmmm note to self, gotta get to the Cannes film festival...AND get paid to do it!!
Sorry I have been so busy to post, but there is so much happening.
The Prime Ministers sister wrote a note to the people who asked me to take the pictures of the PM which they forwarded to me today expressing how unique the pictures I took of her brother were and how special they are to her. I quote
Craig's photos are among the loveliest I've seen. Please thank him for me.
Craig asked me to take one of his other photos of Kevin he'd taken previously and wanted Kevin to sign. He'd given Kevin two, he said. During my brief time in the office before heading off, Kevin had a lot of guests and so I didn't have the opportunity to talk to him there about those photos. Next time I'm down I'll ask him. Craig is very kind.
The photos for me are lovely memories of a very special occasion and meeting with you as well as the other very fine people present. I really do appreciate them.
I am tickled pink. How many pictures would she have seen of her famous brother? many I suspect, so I was honoured to receive that quote.
Here is the picture of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd that I cropped and that he autographed for me. After he signed my copy, he saw the other two I had printed the same and asked if he could have them, I said "sure, why? "he said that he really liked them of him. That was a great compliment for me. So one of my pictures will be hanging in the Lodge, the official Prime Ministerial residence in the Nations Capitol. Feeling quite chuffed!

Love to all, be in touch soon
Good for you! :)
You do rock, you know that right?
And a very sincere thanks to you Ruby