A day in the park

Here are some pictures I took of a family I know recently. They are Maori (indiginous New Zealanders - like myself) and wanted a "flavour" etched through the images highlighting a connection to nature, as well as heritage and looking creative, thank goodness that is not a tall order!! I did it a few weeks ago and whilst I gave the images to them already, It was only this morning when I had to check some of the files for them in follow up when the beauty and simple dignity of the images struck me.

Is the man with the cloak and stick a chief?
Interesting that the least maori-looking one is wrapped in a traditional cape in the group shot outside the hut.
No to the chief, but a Korowai pronounced Cord o why
is a native cloak that is handmade and can be bestowed as a gift, or as a generational keepsake that may or may not have your geneology or history laid within.
The pic you refer to the guy is actually wrapped in a synthetic blanket that just happens to have a Maori motif on it, that's all. It was freezing on the day and they were just keeping warm. That's all.