Some car shots

An early night last night! The first in quite a few days. I think my body had become unaccustomed to sleep and woke up way too early. I will endeavour to restore the balance in missed hours slept, sometime over Easter. I wanted to show a picture of a Lamborghini Gallardo I took in Sydney last week. I like the vehicle because it is rare, but I don't really think they are made for people of my height. It is a nice car. Very catching in yellow! I thought I would also add a couple of shots of other cars I pictured. All the other ones are owned by a dear friend. These are just some of the many car shots I have taken over the years.


Anonymous said…
Spectacular shots and spectacular cars Craig!

Did you get the chance to drive them yourself?

Were you at a car show of some sort or do you personally know the owners?

Interesting number plate on the last one, ITP003.

Craig Peihopa said…
V2T, I never did drive the cars, and in most of them I was able to ride in them, but that was sufficient for me. I just love taking the images. am proud of each one. I know the owner of all but the first car and he is a very kind a dear person who supports me and my work by calling me for a portrait almost every time he gets a new car. And yes, the number plate ITP is a clue! John, is the CEO / owner. I can create auto portraits for whomever might want one. When some people pay the money for these vehicles they think nothing of paying me for an Auto portrait as well!

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