A project complete

I thought I would share this picture of a family I have known for many years and finished an hour ago. I thought I would share with you how I did it. I photographed them all individually and added them in. The small baby in white on the right hand side was born recently and added in. The mother was still pregnant when the picture was taken, and over the period of time it took to get the elements "right" this is what I have done. The picture in the background I shot on a recent visit to regional NSW, and the other elements seemed to fit. I have certainly become comfortable doing large scale portraits. It is a big job but very rewarding to me.
I thought I would show another couple I have done similar. I have done many more but these two are favourites. The first one was for a christmas card some years ago on the back. It was done in a limited edition run, and the next one has a few celebrities in it who get together and create music for research into genetic abnormalities. It is a great casue and one I enjoyed doing. I shot and designed all the images and graphic art you see here.
