Ian Moss rewind

I photographed a musical event here in Australia last year when a group of prominent Australians get together and donate their time and talents to assist genetic research for the Children's Medical Research Institute (CMRI). 60% of the CMRI's annual funding comes from this one fund raiser every year which lasts for the month of August. The facility performs a tremendous and vital service finding cures and answers to genetic challenges. It is an interesting and wonderful time when the majority of the community support events like this.
The particular artists who were at the Harp in Sydney were wonderful. I have included a recording by a great man called Ray Toms. A gentleman, who is talented in video production and editing. He used a 6 camera shoot to capture all the action of the concert I was at also. In the clip I have included from Ray's You Tube upload, is from famed Australian musician Ian Moss. If you look closely enough you can even see me in a few shots-big deal I know! I am at the front of the stage taking the stills. It is a great clip from a great musician, I loved watching Ian "unplugged" as it were. His energy and presence made the concert very powerful. His commitment and passion with which he struck those strings was nothing short of terrific. It was a concert I shall not forget in a hurry. I will include some stills here again also that I took of Ian. Some of these pictures were emailed to Ian who responded very warmly expressing how much he liked my images. That is nice when people like and appreciate what you do. I love what I do.

The first black and white still of Ian Moss could be considered uncomplimentary. I am not referring to the photography; I am referring to the image itself - the way he ‘looks.’
His right eye has an unnatural turn making him appear to be slightly cross-eyed. The way his ears sit at that angle make them look like they are sticking out more than what might be considered a natural angle. Whatever he was doing with his mouth at the time makes it look as though his tongue is lolling out against his lips further than normal.
Putting all of these factors together and pulling back to look at the image in its entirety - the overall look is not...well, to put it tactfully...not complementary.