Moments of Reflection...

I am beginning to see life unfolding before me, that teaches me more by showing me aspects I had been perhaps oblivious to on many previous occasions. It reinforces the view I hold that Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong sang so beautifully about, that we are a part of such a wonderful world. My heart is saddened by the loss of dear friends and family, and the decline in health of a woman I deeply respect, who succumbs to the advancement of dementia and age, who still regularly communicates with me and all I can do is be a friend, even when I become the verbal punching bag for her decline of understanding and inevitable difficulties that ensue. Whilst a genuine part of me aches for my friend and my inability to help her, I rejoice in the wonder of my interactions and the joy she has helped me to find in my life. I am grateful I came to know her on my life's journey. I have learned to love the laughter of children and the many kindnesses that are extended to me. I have become inspired by the smallest of things, I have learned to appreciate reaching out to people and letting them know you love and care about them. I smile after doing that, when some people are not sure why you do or say that, inevitably people ask me questions like, "Are you okay?" or "Is everythng alright?" all of which make me smile. I am the benefactor of great kindnesses and care from so many unexpected people that fill me with gratitude and appreciation for them, for life and for the chance that is mine to live and appreciate everything.


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