People who make a difference!

I have long wanted to be a person who made a difference in life generally. I am sometimes polarised by thinking HOW I can get the things done that I want to, What my next move is or should be. I am also aware that in a general sense thousands, perhaps millions of people don't achieve the stuff that their dreams are made of because of so many seeming realities.

My personal feeling is more that fears, doubts and circumstance prevent people from pushing beyond whatever holds them back. I cant count how many people I have met in life, people who want something more than what they have. Many if not all have a story as to why they couldn't succeed. I love more, the stories of people who pushed beyond the why they couldn't, and made it happen!

 I am in the middle of perhaps one of the most challenging times in my life and whilst on one level I feel polarised not knowing where to go next, I still feel an overwhelming happiness that this period has been the very condition I have needed to push beyond the limit and go further. I loathe the statement "A good man always knows his limits!" I say thats crap. A person who knows his certain things! has never tried to go beyond them! Ok I fully accept this is a massive generalisation, but from the stories I have heard, too many people fall, and get up and are afraid of falling again. I dont condemn that self protectionist feeling, I condemn that too many people are afraid of trying again! and if necessary, again and again. Happier I guess to settle for their lot and be content! I also accept that sometimes the fight, the battle or journey can be a high price to pay.

I know something of what I write in this area. This lull in my life and career has helped me / is helping me re evaluate what it is I want out of life and help me to crystallise what it is I am prepared to do to make that happen. It is just a wonderful time to re evaluate.

Then I saw this Ted talk and was inspired at the way a lady Amanda Palmer wanted to achieve her dream and how her circumstance changed her thinking and the result that occured as people were motivated by her, her story and uniqueness.

I dont know Amanda, but I am grateful for her nonetheless! Watch it HERE

 Picture: Pixie Vision Photography


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