
ah, criticism.

that stick in the mud voice that calls your party to a halt; triggering the trap door through which your heart sinks to your stomach. That stabbing feeling that sucks the wind from your creative sails, leaving your ship of dreams marooned upon reefs of doubt and islands of worthlessness.

Criticism, especially for an artist, can do untold damage and if given at the wrong time can destroy the seeds of brilliance faster than a morning after pill.

Unless you choose the path of renunciation and go live in a cave, chances are that you're stuck living in some form or another, with lots of other people. This is called society and when you were born you unwittingly signed a contract that made you a part of it. This society feeds you, schools you, takes your garbage away, collects your taxes and makes sure that your un-molded blabbering self becomes productive in some way.

When you choose to deviate from social norms you get dealt criticism. It starts with your parents and extends out through your teachers and peers. Then, like some irksome insect, it burrows into your heart and soul, becoming part of you; questioning your god given right to dream, hope and create.

Criticism comes in many forms; it can be subtle or it can be overt. It can come in the form of eye contact, words, body language or violence. The methods by which we hurt each other through unchecked criticism are infinite.

Outside of us it takes the form of gossip, mockery and ridicule. Inside it manifests as self loathing, worthlessness and impotence.

Sometimes it originates from a place of jealousy and wounded idealism. Perhaps you've always wanted to be a great painter but haven't been successful, so you go to an art show and criticize someone who has found their success. Its not limited to the arts either; if we're honest we'll see we're critical of everything: people's driving, women's bodies, someone's film, her boyfriend, his girlfriend and on and on. Hell, tabloids make billions every year on it.

So how do we untangle ourselves from the nasty web of criticism?

Any fundamental change in our lives begins with self awareness. This is not a theory, its an immutable law of life. The Yogic tradition has always taught that the path to enlightenment, peace and contentment is achieved through rigorous self examination.

As we become more and more aware of who we are, we begin to understand how we got here. We dig deeper into our own hearts and start to unearth our patterning, we begin to see that we are who we are because we've come to believe certain things about ourselves.

Slowly we realize that most of these beliefs have come from outside; from parents, neighbors, peers, television and media. They are things people have said, out of their own hurt (but perhaps masquerading as good intention), that have in turn hurt us. Things we have accepted about ourselves that we have come to believe as true. All these 'acceptances' over the years have created mass tangles of contradicting neurosis that drive us further into madness.

Criticism triggers these painful tangles, these deeply held but mostly unquestioned beliefs. It begs the question: If we could untangle ourselves and heal our destructive patterning...would we be immune to criticism?

No, we'll always be criticized, but perhaps we'll no longer be so hurt and wounded by it. Perhaps we would begin to see the hurtful words of others not as an indication of our own self worth but rather as a reminder of how much healing and love we all need.

As we dig deeper into our own knots we begin to see how deeply knotted everyone else is and voila, we have the birth of compassion. Compassion comes from acknowledging a common suffering and since all suffering is self created, when we investigate ours, we see it in others.

So whats the solution to criticism?

Be aware. Try and understand where the words are coming from. Be discerning; is there some truth that you're avoiding? If you feel its from a place of jealousy and hurt...can you try to generate the compassion? Most importantly, compassion for yourself?

Sometimes criticism can be welcome. It can come from a place of love, from a person who genuinely cares about you and wants the best for you. Sometimes we really need to be criticized, because our actions are harmful...but we also need to generate the wisdom to know the difference.

The more we focus on knowing ourselves, our patterns, our reactions and sensitivities the better we will be able to differentiate the many different layers of criticism we encounter everyday. Instead of the customary and reactive "Stuff you!" when some says something to us we don't like, we can start to question why it bothers us in the first place...leading us further away from mindless reaction and further into self awareness...and peace.

As was written above the gates of the Oracle in Delphi:

"Know thyself"

I shared this from a fellow photographers blog and wanted to share it not from a position to indicate that I wrote it, but from a position of understanding of what criticism is and has the potential to do. It affects us all. I found this piece very insightful. Thanks Martin.


Tammy said…
Thanks for sharing your friend's thoughts with us. There are some deep and truthful nuggets of thought here...much to think about...

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