Japan's Tragedy

I along with the rest of the world have been polarised by the tragedy and unfolding events that have occurred in Japan over the last few days. It appears that this calamity which has enveloped the country will render Japan helpless for some time. With entire towns destroyed and thousands missing, my heart goes out to them. I am so impressed by the order and patience that I have witnessed from the survivors.
It is at moments like this when i think that my life has difficulties when I realise, that I have it VERY easy. I also noticed that similar to Queensland residents who lost everything, and victims of natural disasters and wars do generally, their lives amount to a handful of possessions. It is a sobering reminder to me that the measure of our lives is rarely what we own, and rarely what we amass. It also reminds me that we truly are infinitesimally smaller than we think we are. Seeing the weight of cars, containers, ships and buildings which represent the skill and pinnacle of mans creations are but toys and insignificant to the power and awesome strength of nature.
We have seen so many tragedies in recent weeks in this country, New Zealand, the US and Japan. It is more tragic now than previously as we have never had so many cameras covering the events that we do now. The pictures I have posted here are from Reuters/Mainichi Shimbun, AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye, AP Photo/The Yomiuri Shimbum, Miho Iketani, REUTERS/YOMIURI.
You can see more pictures by clicking on the link below. I am grateful to the photographers and news makers who are bringing the world these images that reach deep within my soul. I dont have family in Japan, but I feel a sense of community, that what affects them, does affect me.
