
Here we are January the 4th already and for most Australian's it's all back to work. Shops are back open to standard hours and businesses are all good to go. The Christmas / New Year honeymoon has passed.
As I write this I have been watching developments in this city.
We have seen an increase in bashings, a family was stabbed the other day in apartment block, with a 2 year old succumbing to the horrific injuries. In another unrelated incident, a father answered the knock at his front door last week, and when asked if a person was there, said to the unknown assailant, that no-one lived there by that name and then had shots fired into his front door, injuring his 11 year old daughter.
And yet in another unrelated incident a 33 year old man, a father, husband and son, was bashed in a melee with bouncers in a Kings Cross street over this festive period and yesterday passed away when they turned off the respirator. My heart goes out to these people.
Personally, we are seeing a dear brother in law Bob who is suffering from the ravages of cancer and witnessing the decline of and shut down of his body is devastating, yet through it all, his sense of humour and good nature continues to shine through. It is a powerful example to me of the human spirit and of Bob's in particular.
Amidst all of the concern and sadness in this state of NSW, north Queensland is in the grip of a massive flood, that is being likened to biblical times where some 200,000 people have been affected, small towns became flood plains, the latest casualty is Rockhampton residents, many who have been displaced and many whose homes will after this event be uninhabitable again, causing massive losses coupled with the added concern of raw sewage leaching into the water, Brown snakes and Red Belly black snakes were seen and videoed swimming through the flood as well as vermin and whatever other cocktail of toxins would be there.
"Rockhampton is now completely stranded - a town of 75,000 people - no airport, rail or road."
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has been flying tonnes of food and medical supplies to Mackay so they can be trucked south to the town.
Rockhampton Mayor Brad Carter said on Monday that the 9.4 metre flood peak was expected to remain for one to two days, and the waters would take a long time to recede.
He expects the town's airport to remain closed for the best part of three weeks.
Now that the Bruce Highway to the north is cut, three ADF Black Hawk helicopters sent to Rockhampton from Emerald will provide the town's critical lifeline.
(Queensland Premier) Ms Bligh also said that the floods have halted operations at 75 per cent of Queensland's coal fields.
"There is likely to be a significant long term effect of that and not only nationally but internationally," she said.
Queensland supplies half of the world's coking coal needed in steel manufacturing, Ms Bligh said.
above quote and image above from the News at ninemsn.com.au
Seeing people lose "everything" they have come to collect over a lifetime is tragic. One lady was saying "I have worked and kept things which have spanned my lifetime only to lose it near the end? what is it all for?" Seeing stoic Aussie men and women fighting back the tears left me with a deep sense of sadness for these people who are suffering at this time. For those of us in a different state or city, the ripple effects for us will be higher fruit and vegetable prices, smaller supplies of these foods will drive the price up.
I was encouraged and felt so much better though, when one of those who had lost everything was interviewed last night on the news, when he was asked how are you feeling? to which he responded with words of wisdom and appreciation.
He said "With so much going wrong in the world, I have only now discovered that there is so much good. I am amazed at how many people who are here wanting to help in anyway they can, all they are wanting is an opportunity to help."
Then there was a farmer who was helping to sandbag and protect a small town from flood waters, asked what about your own farm? Is your farm underwater? He said "Not yet, I figure I couldn't sit idly by and just let others suffer", and when asked further "what if your farm goes under and you are here helping, what will happen to it?" he added " My wife and kids are there, they should be right to manage it" It is this selfless care and commitment to help others and the indomitable human spirit, that through the face of much trial and adversity we see the best of human nature come forward.
I have heard a few times well meaning people ask the question "Why does God allow this to happen?" and in light of the previous couple of examples I witnessed, my follow up retort will be, Why would he stop it from happening when so much kindness and care is given the chance to be shared and shown.
4 days into the new year and I am already feeling the concern, the sadness and the joy of the things I witness around me. I am not one of these people who watch the news and imagine it only happens to other people not to me, I try hard to take nothing for granted. I am however very grateful to be a small part of the world and to experience and see the things that I do.
In closing I was thinking of a song from Pilot in the 70's called January, I share it with you for some nostalgia. Oh, and remember be a little kinder to everyone and find a reason everyday to help someone else and do a random act of kindness.
January, sick and tired, you've been hanging on me
You make me sad with your eyes
You're telling me lies
Don't go, don't go
January, don't be cold, don't be angry to me
You make me sad come and see
Oh January
Don't go, don't go
Life, gets me higher (higher)
I can show, I can blow
I can wake up the world, little world
Gotta know you, gotta show you
Sun, like a fire (fire)
Carry on, don't be gone
Bring me out of my home, sweet home
Gotta know me, gotta show me
You've been facing the world
You've been chasing the world
January, sick and tired, you've been hanging on me
You make me sad with your eyes
You're telling me lies
Don't go, don't go
January, don't be cold, don't be angry to me
You make me sad come and see
Oh January
Don't go, don't go
Time, it's a flier (flier)
Sunny day, fly away
English summers are gone, so long
Gotta go up, gotta blow up
Sun, like a fire (fire)
Carry on, don't be gone
Bring me out of my home, sweet home
Gotta know me, gotta show me
You've been facing the world
You've been chasing the world
January, sick and tired, you've been hanging on me
You make me sad with your eyes
You're telling me lies
Don't go, don't go
January, don't be cold, don't be angry to me
You make me sad come and see
Oh January
Don't go, don't go
Thank you for sharing the uplifting stories amidst the grief. Very inspiring...