Another Painting!

Well I have just completed another work for Jamm for Genes, again for charity and I am a little crest fallen on this one, I wanted so much to nail this, I wanted to paint a photograph, the face of Kurt Russell on a canvas, and did not nail it I am afraid to say.

I have been greatly humbled by real artists who CAN paint and transpose a face onto canvas with skill and artistry, I am butt a novice.

So why put it up here, simply because whilst it is not face perfect, Ok not even close! what I can say is, that it is ONLY the 5th painting I have ever created and to have gotten a likeness showing texture in the face with the nuances of colour really thrilled me. I wonder where I can go from here.

I was tempted to paint over it in black and start all over again, but I resisted that because I think it represents effort and hours of early mornings coupled with a struggle and a triumph of sorts to become better and better. I am enjoying the challenge, I hope this is allowed to blossom.

I am showing the painting I have finished and the picture I tried to paint the likeness from.

The images at the bottom are 40 miniature movie posters of his films to highlight just 40 of the over 50 films he has been in, these are the only ones I could find. The one on his jeans is It happened at the Worlds Fair, his first movie as a child, and he starred with Elvis Presley as a young precocious boy.


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