Gifts from a friend in IDAHO!

Tammy, a dear blogger friend of mine and her family sent me some yummy things from the US of A. There are two things that are not in the picture that were also sent. One of them was a Huckleberry lotion / moisturiser from Simply Idaho, and let me tell you it is the best moisturiser smell I have ever whiffed. I LOVE the fragrance, Marcelina has grabbed that but I have sneaked a dab or two. Really nice stuff. The second thing was a small container / packet of cheesy fish shaped biscuits. Denzel saw the packaging and just took it, no need to ask, GONE!
The rest will be consumed in a few moments or two. Love it all, and the postcards and bookmark are great too. It is a special gift from friends on the other side of the world. THANK YOU so very much. How the plum butter arrived unscathed is amazing. YUMMY.
I also photographed a wedding on Saturday for some people and the Grooms family flew here from Idaho Falls and he has a wireless network towers and stuff business in 581 Douglas Avenue and I asked them if they knew you! Their name family name is EARL.
Take care and many, many thanks from your friends in the land downunder!!!
We are so glad you and your family love the goodies. We enjoyed picking out real American treats for your family. I hope Denzel enjoyed seeing everything inside the package as much as I know my girls have loved opening packages from you. :)
You'll have to tell Denzel those goldfish are Kayla's favorites. She asks for them nearly every time we go grocery shopping!
I don't know of the family you mentioned, but isn't that a funny coincidence???
The goldfish were gone, and I tried to get the container to photograph and he got quite upset, as though I was taking it away from him, but he loves them. All he kept saying was fish, yummy!!!
It is a coincidence, but another way I remembered our special friends in Idaho. I look forwrd to meeting up wth you all one of these days!!!
Take care