Nikon 1000PJ projector Camera

Last week Nikon announced a ground breaking camera that is also a projector!
That's right, you can take pictures like any other compact camera, even take videos and instantly project it up on a wall to show your friends and family. And it fits in your pocket!
It will sell in Australia for $699 and for the technology and performance, it is a very reasonable price. Thought I would share with you all a you tube clip showing you the operation of it.
I will hopefully have one to play with and demonstrate in the next few weeks and will post more of what I do with it when I can.
...and for the well heeled, and for the fast footed amongst us Adeal p/l in Australia have announced a limited edition Leica M8 Camera and there are only 5 in this country, so it is highly collectible and will be a good investment, see this image below.

Trouble with me is, that I could not spend that much money on a camera and let it sit in a box to preserve it's investment and resale value, I would want to damn well use the product! So much for the investment.
AND in case you were wondering, NO I wont be buying one. I do not have those dollars sitting idly by....yet!
Doesn't hurt to dream, though, does it? ;)