Lee Kernaghan's jeans are SOLD!!!

the room where the Gala Auction was held

My jeans hanging with some of the others was a great feeling

Leo Sayer entertaining the crowd with his signature tunes, my artwork hanging in the background.

Ray Hadley, former footballer, now prominent media personality who was the auctioneer, auctioning Lee Kernaghan's jeans WooHoo!

I have been so very busy and I just cannot believe that my life is disappearing at such a rapid a pace. Well!!!! My first ever painted artwork was sold at the Jeans for Genes Auction last Thursday night and out of 16 artworks that were auctioned off, I got the 6th highest amount on the night!!!!! colour me amazed. It was so very surreal. I was there and saw the bidding and lobbying for something that I had done, and was strangely there but felt very much like I was watching a movie. It was bizarre. I still do not know what the experience was like - strange as that is to write or think.

Later in the evening, the couple who bought the painting of Lee Kernaghan's jeans were introduced to me and I was asked if I could have a picture with them and I felt like a celebrity. They wanted to know everything about the painting, what certain things meant, why I did them, and that part I really was grateful for, because I knew they cared about it. They also asked how many I had painted and when I said it was my first they were really pleased and indicated that the value had just increased being that it was the very first!! It truly was surreal, NICE, but surreal. I told them about Adam Brand's jeans which I painted and they expressed some interest in getting that one as well. I do not know if they were being gracious or really meant it. Who would have thought that I would ever be "collectible"? Not I said the cat!

Adam Brand was also there at the Auction as a guest, with Leo Sayer, and a host of other celebrity's along with some 400 guests. I had made an 8x12 photo enlargement of the jeans I did of Adam and showed him. He was amazed. His exact words were "Craig, I am honoured you did this. I just love it" He then autographed my photo. I was so very pleased. The event raised $150,000 on the night with the highest money raised going to Nafisa Naomi's wonderful large painting of Australian MotoGP racer Casey Stoner raising $20,000. Incidentally, Lee Kernaghan's manager Steve White was there and though he had been emailed a picture of the jeans artwork I did, he made a point of saying how much better they were in real life actually hanging, "you did great Craig"! I was pleased at that. I hope to meet Lee one day soon.

the pictures you see below are of the people who bought the Lee Kernaghan jeans, then with me and them, then Nafisa's jeans.
The night before I was at good friend Glenn A. Baker's birthday party and then on this night at the Auction gala dinner, then the next night I was at a concert for the Angels, saturday the same, sunday yet another concert for a totally different band called Jim Conway's - The Big Wheel doing portraits and shots of them performing at the Joan Sutherland centre in Penrith, west of Sydney.


Tammy said…
What an amazing night this must have been, Craig. I'm sure it will take several days to process it all.

$150,000 is quite an impressive amount to be raised, and how wonderful is it you were able to be a part of it!

Kudos to you and everyone involved. Very nicely done. :)
Goldenrod said…
You had an 'out of body' experience, didn't you? Rrvit! What a magical evening, Craig.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Craig!!! LisC
Anonymous said…
Finally found time to drop by your blog tonight Craig..... and oh WOW.... I am sooo pleased the auction went well.... though I never doubted it! You rock young man.... and the sooner you realise that the better! Love the pic of you with the buyers.... you look quite humble.... as knowing you I know you would have felt.
And.... your even photographing Jim now?? Wow... lovely man... hope he is well.. has been too long since I caught up with him too.

So much to do in life... so little time... but isn't the journey wonderful!!


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