The Wiggles Go Bananas!

About an hour or so ago, Marcelina, Denzel and I returned from the Wiggles latest concert event at the famous Enmore Theatre, in Newtowns entertainment district near Sydney city. What a "Hoop De Doo" it was a great concert and Denzel loved it. I have noticed that as he gets older he is becoming more conscious of who some famous people are and becoming much more shy than he used to be. But he squeeled and sang along and I think Jeff and Murray may have recognised us slightly from a time when we met them previously, and they shook Denzels hand. He felt so special evidenced by the huge smile, and I felt that joy for him also.
It was a great concert and the joy these guys have brought to many children around the world is worth everything they enjoy as the fruits of what they do.
Thanks Wiggles you are great!!! Let me say with the acrobatics and work they do on stage 3 times a day is tough stuff. They works so hard!

They are very talented. Good wholesome people who just love to make kids just doesn't get better than the Wiggles.
Our favorite song when the kids were younger was Fruit Salad. One year at our ward talent show the bishop and his counselors and I think it was the ward clerk performed Fruit Salad, with props and even dressed like the Wiggles. I think quite possibly it was the most I've ever laughed in 5 minutes. I will always remember it.