A room with a difference in Costa Rica

I love planes and could not resist looking more closely at this.

Ninemsn.com were featuring a new hotel room made out of a plane fuselage. I think it's a bit too wooden for my liking and not as luxurious as I might have imagined, but I liked the difference it presents and would love to spend a weekend there.


Tammy said…
Very interesting. I'd never have thought something like this existed...
Craig Peihopa said…
Me neither Tammy, but as I love planes, I seem to find things about them eventually.
Goldenrod said…
Wow! I LOVE the interior!! Did you happen to catch an eyeball on the price tag for a weekend? Has to be just astronomical! If I had lots and lots of money, this would be one of the very first places I would go. :)
Craig Peihopa said…
No Goldenrod, but I will have a look for a price and let you know. It looks fun doesn't it.

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