Edgar Mueller

I have long been a fan of this artform of street painting or chalking. Simply brilliant artists and work. I am in awe of the scale and depth. I love the optical illusion and could not resist in sharing. Edgar you are a genius!

Here are some shots from the internet, they were without credit as to the photographer and so I apologise for not crediting him / her.


Tammy said…
This just boggles my mind. I can't figure out how this type of painting is done, but it sure is amazing. I watched the video and kept thinking, "I can't believe he's painting with those big storm clouds above. What if it rains?" lol

Enjoyed this very much.
Craig Peihopa said…
Yeah, it is something that had not ever crossed my mind, but truly amazing work. That is why I just wanted to share it.
Goldenrod said…
I had to go back to my "Anamorphosis" post from January to read who the artist was that I featured ... couldn't remember his name. It was Julian Beever. What kind of blew my mind about the artist's work in progress that you showed here, Craig, is it appears as tho people are trampling all over his work. Could hardly believe it! I kept looking for smudges and such, as I didn't see any protective-type gear on the bottoms of their shoes, but didn't see any. It's chalk, isn't it?
Goldenrod said…
Well, no, it isn't chalk. (In my post, the artist was using chalk.) I just looked at the video again. At one point in the video, the artist is looking up at the sky at all the approaching storm clouds which struck me as kind of amusing.
Craig Peihopa said…
Goldenrod, I honestly do not know what he was using, paint or chalk, but I am still in awe of this perception. I would really love to see one of these creations in person.

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