A - Australian
N - New
Z - Zealand
A - Army
C - Corps

Anzac Day is a National public holiday and is considered one of the most spiritual and solemn days of the year in Australia. Marches by veterans from all past wars, as well as current serving members of the Australian Defence Force and Reserves, with allied veterans as well as the Australian Defence Force Cadets and Australian Air League and supported by members of Scouts Australia, Guides Australia, and other uniformed service groups, are held in cities and towns nationwide. The Anzac Day Parade from each state capital is televised live with commentary. These events are generally followed by social gatherings of veterans, hosted either in a pub (a beer establishment) or in an RSL Club, often including a traditional Australian gambling game called two-up, which was an extremely popular pastime with ANZAC soldiers. The importance of this tradition is demonstrated by the fact that though most Australian states have laws forbidding gambling outside of designated licensed venues, on Anzac Day it is legal to play "two-up" - where it is forbidden on any other day of the year.

Despite federation being proclaimed in Australia in 1901, many[who?] argue the "national identity" of Australia was largely forged during the violent conflict of World War I, and the most iconic event in the war for most Australians was the landing at Gallipoli in Turkey where the sheer logistics and landscape favoured the Turks and saw many Australian lives lost. Dr. Paul Skrebels of the University of South Australia has noted that Anzac Day has continued to grow in popularity; even the threat of a terrorist attack at the Gallipoli site in 2004 did not deter some 15,000 Australians from making the pilgrimage to Turkey to commemorate the fallen ANZAC troops.(Wikipedia and future press)

I was up at the crack of dawn this morning to see the televised Dawn service and observe a small moment of national remembrance as we reflect on the impact these young soldiers made to the country, their valour, their sacrifice and commitment is not forgotten.

Yesterday morning as I woke from a dream, I had two lines in my head for a poem and wrote it yesterday morning before going to the Wiggles, but here it is - the first time I have shown or published this and without reference to any other material it is original.

I may not have stood at Flanders Fields with poppies row on row,
Nor on the sands of Gallipoli, in turkey so long ago
Nor in the theatres of world wars past, nor in trenches of grief and pain
But on this sacred national day, the fallen I remember again

From the dawns first glimmer of light in the sky
With a trumpeter ‘s solitary call
The nation will pause, as the aircraft fly by
Then the memories will softly fall

Though not to the ground will those memories fall
But more accurately rest in my heart
With a deepened gratitude and reverence for them
Their sacrifice, a nation did start

In contrast, we gained a pride in ourselves
When the best part of the land was gone
They stirred within us a pride and a strength
And the freedom they fought for lives on

I have wondered and thought As I look at the crosses
That stretch far as eye can see
If they didn’t give what they gave for us all
Would the land I love be free?

on Anzac day 2009
the Anzacs I revere still the same
There is a gratitude I feel in my heart as I stand
May God smile and bless their name

We have to be vigilant again it would seem
With so many forces around
Determined to show that nothing was learned
From the wars and those in the ground

I am hopeful, and positive that we can eventually learn
That together we are stronger than one
Instead of us finding our own way along
May we see that we are Australian.

For me that brings a smile of pride
Whether you stand on a foreign sand
Or even in the suburbs or states within
With the Anazc’s, I love this land

May we all remember them……..

Craig Peihopa 7am 24th April 2009.


Tammy said…
It's nice to have a day to give them the honor they give us all year long isn't it?

By the way...what is Two-Up???
Craig Peihopa said…
Agreed Tammy.

For two up, try this link
Ruby Rideout said…
wow, your sentimental words in that poem you wrote along with the sound of the bag pipes playing in the background gave me goosebumps.
Goldenrod said…
A wonderfully-moving original poem, Craig, and the showing of a dawn service from 2008 was a particularly fitting way to end this post, I think.
Craig Peihopa said…
Thank you Ruby, I am grateful for your comments.


Thank you Goldenrod, I appreciate your comments and visits to my blog. Thanks

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