Sex, Lies and Photoshop

An interesting article here for yur viewing pleasure from the New York Times. Something I think you might enjoy!


Tammy said…
I had no idea so much retouching went on with photoshoots. When he said each photo is worked on 20-30 times, I about had to pick my jaw up off the floor.

A very informative story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Craig Peihopa said…
No worries Tammy,
There are certainly a number of pictures I work on wth people, but nowhere near that amount. But then my market is not the general publication populous.
Goldenrod said…
I was wondering, all the while I was watching that video, how much retouching you do, Craig. But retouching has been going on for many many years - centuries, even!

That law they're trying to push through in France? Sounds terribly prohibitive.

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