Crossing the Comfort Zone
A short post just to share that one of the pictures in a photo shoot I took of Mr. Paul Robert Burton, one of the Brewster Brothers trio, has made the front page of a magazine which has a readership of 10,000 and covers from Kiama to Batemans Bay on the NSW South Coast!

The next one is some of the wedding pictures I took of Matthew and Jade Krok have appeared in a national weekly magazine called Womans Day. Part of the article was cut off, but as I was told after the magazine had disappeared off shelves, this is all I was sent. But it is another small thrill.

Lastly, these are the jeans I painted as an entry into the Jeans for Genes day Auction later this year. I am an outside chance and was not planned on being invited, in fact I am unsure if they will even be included, but I gave it my best shot and am proud to have surprised myself in creating something I had never before embarked on. Painting, and crossing the boundaries of ones comfort zone is thrilling and nerve racking all at the same time. However it also is a peaceful, almost dejavu experience. What a truly exciting time I am a part of.

Some other exciting things have started appearing on my doorstep as a direct result of doing the artwork for the Brewster Brothers Trio CD. I will share more on that in a few months. It is exciting to say the least. In fact I am almost jumping up and down, but I am very happy to be a part of some special things at present.

The next one is some of the wedding pictures I took of Matthew and Jade Krok have appeared in a national weekly magazine called Womans Day. Part of the article was cut off, but as I was told after the magazine had disappeared off shelves, this is all I was sent. But it is another small thrill.

Lastly, these are the jeans I painted as an entry into the Jeans for Genes day Auction later this year. I am an outside chance and was not planned on being invited, in fact I am unsure if they will even be included, but I gave it my best shot and am proud to have surprised myself in creating something I had never before embarked on. Painting, and crossing the boundaries of ones comfort zone is thrilling and nerve racking all at the same time. However it also is a peaceful, almost dejavu experience. What a truly exciting time I am a part of.

Some other exciting things have started appearing on my doorstep as a direct result of doing the artwork for the Brewster Brothers Trio CD. I will share more on that in a few months. It is exciting to say the least. In fact I am almost jumping up and down, but I am very happy to be a part of some special things at present.

You deserve this acknowledgemnt of all that you have achieved... and all that you WILL achieve in life. I feel so very honoured to have been in the background for some of this journey! From little things.... big things grow!
Keep up the magnificent work...
Lynn, I have always felt grateful for you, if you had not have asked me to take the pictures in the beginning the ride I am having would not have eventuated. I certainly am forever grateful to you for being friends with me. I truly appreciate your friendship, your care, your support for my work and your love. Thank you.