Crossing the Comfort Zone

A short post just to share that one of the pictures in a photo shoot I took of Mr. Paul Robert Burton, one of the Brewster Brothers trio, has made the front page of a magazine which has a readership of 10,000 and covers from Kiama to Batemans Bay on the NSW South Coast!

The next one is some of the wedding pictures I took of Matthew and Jade Krok have appeared in a national weekly magazine called Womans Day. Part of the article was cut off, but as I was told after the magazine had disappeared off shelves, this is all I was sent. But it is another small thrill.

Lastly, these are the jeans I painted as an entry into the Jeans for Genes day Auction later this year. I am an outside chance and was not planned on being invited, in fact I am unsure if they will even be included, but I gave it my best shot and am proud to have surprised myself in creating something I had never before embarked on. Painting, and crossing the boundaries of ones comfort zone is thrilling and nerve racking all at the same time. However it also is a peaceful, almost dejavu experience. What a truly exciting time I am a part of.

Some other exciting things have started appearing on my doorstep as a direct result of doing the artwork for the Brewster Brothers Trio CD. I will share more on that in a few months. It is exciting to say the least. In fact I am almost jumping up and down, but I am very happy to be a part of some special things at present.


Tammy said…
Craig, this is awesome news! Congrats!!! It is very well deserved. So pleased and thrilled for you. :) :) :)
Anonymous said…
Another of my "rare" public comments on your blog Craig. I am so proud of you and your achievements.... I shed a tear or two looking at this blog... for reasons that probably only you understand. Aaahhh... to think that I introduced you.... I am glad I did! You fulfilled all that I promised you would.

You deserve this acknowledgemnt of all that you have achieved... and all that you WILL achieve in life. I feel so very honoured to have been in the background for some of this journey! From little things.... big things grow!

Keep up the magnificent work...

Craig Peihopa said…
Tammy thank you so very much.


Lynn, I have always felt grateful for you, if you had not have asked me to take the pictures in the beginning the ride I am having would not have eventuated. I certainly am forever grateful to you for being friends with me. I truly appreciate your friendship, your care, your support for my work and your love. Thank you.

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