Farewell Lolo

Denzel's only Grandfather he knew and interacted with, passed away late last night Sydney time. The news came not so much as a shock, as he was almost 82, and had some health complications of late, but as we were there just three weeks ago, it was a shock. The family in New York, Oman , Saudi Arabia, Sydney and Miami were mobilised and on the phone for much of last night. There wasn't much sleep to be had in these households at all.

Juanito Lim Sr. was a quiet unassuming man with a wicked sense of humour, a caring nature and a heart for the downtrodden, and the struggler and for those he loved. His life would fill a volume of literature and be a very interesting read. He leaves a legacy and a hole for those who knew and loved him that will not ever be truly filled.

We are proud to have known and loved him.

Whilst there is certainly much sadness, there is also much joy that he passed quickly without suffering and was with members of the family. Though the tears will undoubtedly fall for a while, there will also be much laughter as the many jokes and one liners are recalled. Even to the end, his timing was exceptional.

Adieu lolo

The picture at the top was a concept I thought of and photographed in April 2007.
The bottom picture I took also.


Anonymous said…
Craig, Thank you so much for this special post about my Dad. I love him with all my heart and I will miss him dearly. I count myself very blessed to have been born of goodly parents, and surely he has left us an endearing legacy that will be carried through for many more generations to come.

His life was God's gift to him, and what he has done with his life was his gift to God, and to all of us his children and grandchildren. My gift to him is my firm resolve to live a good, honourable life, just like his. I want him to be forever be proud of how he has raised me.

Goldenrod said…
Marcelina, my heart and warmest thoughts go across cyberspace to you in this, your time of grieving. There are really no adequate words of comfort that can be expressed when a close family member leaves us. This post was beautifully-written by Craig, and one gets a very clear picture of his personal feelings of loss. Much love,
Anonymous said…
Marcelina...Craig...Denzel, My heart and thoughts are with you all. How wonderful that you were there to visit him only a few short weeks ago! Marcelina, I personally understand your feelings at this time. You are in my prayers. Lots of love, LisC
Craig Peihopa said…
Thank you Goldenrod and LisC. Your comments and feelings at this time have been received and are appreciated by us all, especially Marcelina. She is very grateful to you both and the many people who have emailed privately. Thanks so very much.

Craig, Marcelina and Denzel.
Tammy said…
Oh Marcelina, Craig, and Denzel, this is sad news to read. I am grateful you all had time to spend with him recently. He will be missed I am sure. Thinking of you and sending you hugs. Take care...

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