President-elect Obama

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Well, The American public has spoken. I personally never thought I would see an African American President. Wow!I am pleased and proud for those who will now look at the US very differently, and hopefully, positively. I honestly believe that in 8 years time, or just beyond, start watching for Governor Schwarzenegger. I am not sure America or the world is ready for the Terminator to become a President, but I heard a man who interviewed Arnold once after his first low budget box office flop, and he asked Arnold, "Where to from here?" to which Arnold responded, that one day I will become the biggest grossing box office star in the country, maybe even the world! The man who was interviewing Arnold laughed thinking Arnold was joking, but realised quickly his resolve and steely determination were resolute. Look what happened! His last question to Arnold was what do you want to do after you accomplish that? Become President! I have not added the quotes in because I have paraphased a little, I would have to go back to the author/ interviewers MP3 file I have and listen to it in full again.

The inspiring thing about this is, that America has once again shown itself to be the land of opportunity.

Regular visitors to my blog will know that I try to distance myself from politics, yet on this issue I have been caught up in the last furlong race between the two candidates, the position reportedly the most powerful position in the world caught my interest as the choices and decisions the winner makes could affect the world. I thought Senator McCain's response was gracious and courteous. The speeches from both were inspiring. We certainly live in interesting times, I eagerly look forward to the future.

Enough of politics for now.


Tammy said…
I feel so much hope for the coming days and years. I thought McCain's speech was very courteous and gentlemanly. And Obama's speech left me with such positive hope as his speeches usually do.

And I'm glad it's over.
Ruby Rideout said…
I agree with you Craig and with Tammy. I'm looking forward to positive changes in the economy and in the future.
As for Arnold becoming president one day, eeeeek. I don't know about him.

I'm just happy that bozo of a president is out of office now.
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Craig Peihopa said…
Tammy, I agree with the feeling at the end of Obamas speech. I am waiting for someone to put it on Limewire in an MP3 format so I can have a copy on my ipod and iphone. I have lots of great speeches of the 20th century on there which I occasionally listen to for inspiration. I have JFK's acceptance speech, and many others.

Ruby, my concerns for arnold are not as great, I just raised it because America certainly does appear to be the land of opportunity and a place where any dream can come true. I do not think you are alone in the feelings of George Bush being out of office. I know Pink, Burt Bacharach in particular are VERY happy.



What a wonderful surprise to have you post a comment. Thank you for dropping by. Sure lets talk anytime, Lis has my email address and phone, give me a call. I would love to catch up.
Goldenrod said…
"I'm just happy that bozo of a president is out of office now" ... won't be in effect until January 20th, folks. Hope Ruby can hold her nose until then.

Exactly right, Craig, on the title change ... thank you!

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