Lately, part 2
The first assignment pictured here was a fundraising event for the Luke Priddis Foundation - a foundation set up initially to help the Rugby League star's child born with Autism and has now reached out and helped many, many children with a variety of Special Needs. The first picture is of the Noll Brothers which were also at the Breast Cancer Foundations golf day in part 1. These guys gave of their time freely and drove almost 10 hours to share their talents to help people. What truly great guys and entertainers. Adam is pictured below singing and Damien is waving. There were lots of news readers and NSW television celebrities were there and it was a real great night. I was grateful to be a small part of this great function and cause. It was held in the Waterview Convention Centre at Homebush Bay which was in the Olympic precinct for Sydney's 2000 Olympics. It is still well utilised and is a great assett to have for Sydney siders.

This is Luke Priddis above. He was playing for the Penrith Panthers and is now moving clubs to go to the St George Dragons. Go the Dragons! Luke is such a great guy, genuine and very courteous.

This is Holly Priddis (Luke's great and organised wife), with the lovely Chris Bath the Channel 7 News reader with Luke Priddis.

Robyn and I at her Gallery in the Blue Mountains

This is Luke Priddis above. He was playing for the Penrith Panthers and is now moving clubs to go to the St George Dragons. Go the Dragons! Luke is such a great guy, genuine and very courteous.

This is Holly Priddis (Luke's great and organised wife), with the lovely Chris Bath the Channel 7 News reader with Luke Priddis.
Chris Bath presenting.

This group is a collection of very talented young people with a range of intellectual disabilities. They are a very moving and graceful group called the Merry Makers, and is there any doubt that this is exactly what they do. They were featured recently on 60 minutes Australia and I have had association with a few of them who have Down Syndrome and it was a thrill to see and cover them as one of the items of entertainment at this event. Wonderful people. There is a lot of pride and love around and from these special people. Their website is here if you wish to have a look.

This group is a collection of very talented young people with a range of intellectual disabilities. They are a very moving and graceful group called the Merry Makers, and is there any doubt that this is exactly what they do. They were featured recently on 60 minutes Australia and I have had association with a few of them who have Down Syndrome and it was a thrill to see and cover them as one of the items of entertainment at this event. Wonderful people. There is a lot of pride and love around and from these special people. Their website is here if you wish to have a look.
Due to popular demand here is another one of the little man, Denzel. Here he is pictured with his Nan Grace who just arrived back from the airport returning from New Zealand and as a treat we went to KFC. I asked him to have a picture BEFORE he ate, and he complied but made sure I knew that he was doing it against his will! after the single shot was taken he walked away from nan and went straight to his chicken and burger! I love the hand on his hip! Very assertive me thinks!
This picture above is a very gratifying gift to me from accomplished part Aboriginal artist Robyn Caughlin. We met thru our work in Jeans for Genes and I happened to be looking at her artworks and said, "one day I will be able to afford one of your works Robyn", after some time and with NO prodding from me, she asked me for some of my jeans and to autograph them. She then asked me about my life, and asked for a couple of pictures of me, so she could get a feeling of the person I am. With that she painted my jeans into this very large frame and created what you see.
I was blown away. I must admit the ONLY think I find hard to look at is my face in the artwork.
Robyn said she believed I would be VERY successful in life, in my ambitions and with my passion I could do anything. I am humbled and gratified.
She added a small statement by saying "you occasionally lose hope Craig, DONT!" Have faith in your dreams and have faith in yourself. So she painted the words have faith on the bottom left to serve as a constant reminder to me.
"It IS coming Craig, I see it."
One of the most humbling things about this generous gift of time and care, is that she indicated she had seen something in me, and wanted to do this to help me.
It is also humbling that someone else sees my hopes and dreams and believes in them as much as I do. It is a very powerful thing. I remember when I was in junior High School struggling with identity, puberty and self esteem that one of the things I remember clearly is that at pivotal points in my life, people were there to help guide me through the channels of life, and they often said they did this because they believed in me.
I included this picture of Robyn above. I am still speechless. You cant see the outline of my jeans very clearly, but the blue in the centre surrounds my autograph on the jeans which are diagonal.
I am very honoured. I really appreciate you Robyn. Thank you doesn't convey how I feel adequately enough.

And that artwork Robyn made for you is very, very nice, Craig. I agree with her in that you will make it. Actually, I already think you have. You are very talented, and it's been fun to see the world through your lens.
You are successful, talented, generous and have made a path for yourself. You will go far....and when you do, don't forget about us lil' people out there.
You're famous in my book. ;)
Thanks for the comment on the Merry Makers, they ARE wonderful aren't they.
Thank you Ruby, your comments and sentiment has found their mark, I am so appreciative of you. And as I said to Lis above, I can NEVER forget the many people who have woven their support for me. I strive to be the best as much for them so they will or might somehow know that they made such a difference to me.
Kind of reminds me about the young boy walking a long the beach and picking up star fishes washed upon the sand and threw them back in the water. When questioned why he was doing it, when there were so many upon the sand, the boy responded yes, but it made a difference to the ones I helped back!
Thank you to the moon and Back!!!! hehehe
Have you noticed, Craig, that Denzel seems to be sticking his chin up in the air in many of your photos? Makes me laugh.
As for Denzel, the reason he sticks his chin the air is, that when he was born he had cataracts removed and even as a baby, objected to having $200 contact lenses in his eyes and would put his finger in and swallow them. After losing 3-4 we spoke tothe Doctors who operated on Denzel by cutting his eyes open and installing the lenses IN his actual eye. Called Intra Ocular lenses, and so when he raises his chin, it is the best angle which he can view the subject on.
I think also there is an element of bravado mixed in with the shot also!
"Bravado" I completely understand.
Again, I really don't know what to say, Craig. I didn't mean it unkindly ... I am SO sorry!
It's all good! Thanks