Missing my friend

I have been thinking of Richard now for some time. I miss him. He was a dear friend who used to call me every day and see how I was, he would encourage me to seek for the highest within me. He had high hopes and aspirations and the world literally before him. He started a business, got married and was doing well, though through the veneer of happiness fissures started to occur. Someone offered Richard some drugs to help take the edge off his anxiety, and he became a frequent user. The tragedy of Richard isn't that he took his own life, it is that a bright flame of life and energy was allowed to be extinguished. He believed in me. He said, looking at my photography one day, Craig the only reason someone won't book you is if they don't know about you, or if they cannot afford you! I don't know why I miss Richard particularly of late, or whether I just wish he was still here, and I do.
I wrote a poem for him which I shared with his Mum Gloria who passed away a couple of years after Richard. I suspect partly because she yearned for him. I love them and miss them. The poem I wrote is below.
My Friend
I wish I could have taken
all your pain away
and somehow given back to you
the joy you brought to me each day
there is never a day that passes
that I don't recall your name
or the friendship, or the memories
that are still precious, all the same
I wish you were still here with us
though you've moved way out of sight
But I'm glad I got to know you
and be blessed by your bright light
As I ponder where you are right now
and the company you now share
I seem to draw great comfort
from knowing you're in God's care
Thank you Richard.....
What is most striking in your entry is that you miss the support and encouragement that your friend offered to you, regularly and loyally.
Do you receive that support elsewhere now? Or is there a hole and a lacking now that his emotional support has gone?
Was it his male influence that met a need for you...I notice you mentioned the death of your father in your younger life.
In any case, grief takes its time...we never stop missing the ones we love and the ones who love us.
May your heart be comforted today Craig.
this entry was very personal to me, and no I didn't miss expressing the support and encouragement he offered. I mentioned Richard believed in me, and phoned me every day. It may not have been embellished, but I never forgot that he cared. Nor do I think his support or male influence filled any particular holes or gaps for me, we were just friends. I only wanted in a pure form to express that I am glad I rubbed shoulders with him and that I missed him. My father going at a younger age was and is totally unrelated, and you are right. We never stop missing the ones we love.
Thanks for your comments.
If I touched upon a raw nerve with my post I sincerely apoligise. It was not my intent. I took great care to be respectful in my post to you.
In a previous post you noted than you want people to see into you. Then you posted rather personal entries about your father passing away and your friend's suicide. You put these things 'out there.'
Naturally, questions arise for your readers.....
Sure I appreciate that questions arise, and yes I will address them as and when I can. I am largely an open book. Any question you ask I will answer! I am happy for people to look at me and judge whatever.
"I am largely an open book. Any question you ask I will answer!"
You are a brave man indeed - admirable.
(Violin to Tuba)
Nothing admirable, just honesty. ask away.