Orchestral manouevers in the light!

I sat in the Conservatorium of Music in Sydney yesterday, there to photograph the Spring Season concert for a family whose child was performing. I was in awe at the skill and sound that radiates from those students whose ages range from just 6 years old up. I love the purity and quality of sound that emanates from around 60-70 instruments that blend so eloquently. I noted with some degree of interest the single violin one of the students played at the beginning so that all the other instruments and their musicians could set their tone, tune or pitch by. What a wonderful thing. One lone instrument setting the entire tone for the rest. I marvelled at the sound one violin makes, and then when 20 make the same sound by playing together, it is one of the purest and most beautiful sounds I have ever heard. The Timpani, the Cymbals, the Harp, the Bassoon, the Oboe, the Flute, the Viola, the French Horn, the Tuba....and the rest, it is all magnificent Together they make a sound and convey a feeling that individually would not be possible to achieve.
With that in mind, I think of us sometimes as individuals whom occasionally get lost in the misdirected thoughts that allow us to feel we are in control of our own lives or situations, However, no matter how good, or how in-control of our own lives we might believe we are, individually we are not as melodic, sweet or harmonious as when we allow others lives and influences to subtly blend with ours. It is true that No man is an island, yet in this world of technology and excess, well certainly for those in the west at least, we are constantly being herded into corrals of loneliness and isolation. The Biggest Loser, Survivor, the Money or the Mob, the Mole, Big Brother, Idol and many other television programs are all designed to eliminate contenders and arrive at the "best". Almost as if we are telling society that in order for you to succeed, with money as the outcome, it is not only permissible, but admirable to get that money at whatever cost to another that may cause. I understand the importance of setting benchmarks, and having levels of attainment and ways to gauge the levels of success and standards by, though I accept my ideas of getting ahead by helping others get what they want, and getting on the shoulders of giants only to be there to help them up as well, is rapidly become an outdated notion. Not that the thought will stop me at all. I have a genuine care about people, I am interested in what makes us tick.
Lastly, I note that this morning as I walked around a mental health facility for their open day, amidst the beauty of the various cherry blossoms and fete like atmosphere, I watched with pleasant and respectful curiosity at some of the patients of the facility with varying degrees of challenges, I loved how they navigated their way around their world, and I looked at my son whom I was with who has Down Syndrome, How very grateful I am to God for allowing me to see people whom I might otherwise be too busy to recognise. I saw within them all in the context of the Tuba, I spoke of earlier, by itself which seems a little oafish and uninspiring, but when played together with the orchestra, or when these special people are together the total acceptance of one another’s differences with no system of ranking or discrimination had a very real orchestral beauty of equally special harmony, making a sound for those who wish to see and hear, is simply pure and unadulterated pleasure.
I love my life today. I am very tired from yesterday still but very glad to have the gift of seeing.
keep it up
I appreciate you shared some thoughts. It is part of the rich fabric of life. thanks for visiting the blog!
Besides harmoniously blending with each other in a rich piece of music, I would also suggest to you that the instruments in an orchestra also 'challenge' each other.
In the challenge, a section played in pianissimo (soft) can be challenged to gradually build to fortissimo (loud). The challenge can be gentle or it can be robust. Either way the outcome presents a tremendous combined strength!
This is much like what we can do with each other in the orchestra of life. We can challenge each other and in so doing develop tremendous strength.
I have come onto your blog site over the last few days under the name of 'anonymous.' I have been impressed with your heart and your desires.
However, I have also challenged you in some ways. My intent has not been to 'rattle your cage', but to give you honest, helpful feedback without pretense.
We can hold each other back by saying "there there, very good" when we in reality we can see areas in which the person could be stronger.
Or we can say "that was great, but have a think about this."
I want you to know that my comments are not intended to offend, hurt or criticise you. I hope to be honest with you and in so doing help you to realise the strengths that you are trying to develop.
If you want honesty, without malice, I will continue to post.
If you can take my feedback without offense but in the spirit it is intended I will continue to post.
If you would like me to stop posting I will respect your request...just say so.
I may just be the violin to your tuba.
So that you can tell my 'anonymous' posts apart from others I will sign off as 'violin to tuba.'
I think you have a fair idea which of the previous 'anonymous' posts are mine.
(Violin to Tuba)
love the sharing of the experience you have within the orchestra and how your building of the experience by explaining the challenge of the instruments that exists. I like further that we can be challenged and improved on. I heard a quote from a man once that said, the life of understanding and growth, is a series of proving, re-proving and improving!
I appreciate your visits to my blog in the last few days, it has challenged my views, and I like that. Honesty without malice is fine, continue to post as you wish. The cloak of anonymity also is helpful, for you but I welcome you here nonetheless, who knows one day you might even use your initials as a sign off!
The questions and responses will not be sanitised or treated, they are here as they were written. The comments that would be deleted are ones that use overt rudeness or explicit language. Y'all come back now ya here!
“I heard a quote from a man once that said, the life of understanding and growth, is a series of proving, re-proving and improving!”
I like that!
Again, I would like to know the source of the quote, for personal reference, but also to give credit where it is due.
Quoting Craig:
“The comments that would be deleted are ones that use overt rudeness or explicit language.”
Rest assured Craig, I have no desire to be overtly rude, profane or to use explicit language. These behaviours are all unnecessary in honest academic and intellectual discussion.
(Violin to Tuba)
The quote came from a man called Neil A. Maxwell in a book called "All these things shall give thee experience" I think was the title.
cool for the intellectual discussion.
"The cloak of anonymity also is helpful, for you but I welcome you here nonetheless, who knows one day you might even use your initials as a sign off!"
Craig, it doesn't matter who or what I am.
I am a faceless, nameless person out here in cyberspace, like so many others who could be frequenting your pages daily. This is the nature of the internet.
I do afford you the respect of reading your posts and responding where I have something to say.
I may wholeheartedly agree with your point of view. Alternatively, I may disagree and not always say what you want to hear. This may be an uncomfortable prospect for you.
You have said in another post that these things are my point of view. Well of course! Just as your writings are your point of view.
People don't always have to agree on things. It is a healthy challenge for us when someone counters what we think with another point of view or an alternative way of looking at things. It is an exercise in facing our own blind spots or areas of denial. This is how we grow.
One thing is certain, you can be assured that at this time, there IS someone out here reading your stuff and REALLY thinking about it.
The time will also come where I will move on. You may very well breathe a great sigh of relief !
I may wholeheartedly agree with your point of view. Alternatively, I may disagree and not always say what you want to hear. This may be an uncomfortable prospect for you.
People don't always have to agree on things. It is a healthy challenge for us when someone counters what we think with another point of view or an alternative way of looking at things. It is an exercise in facing our own blind spots or areas of denial. This is how we grow.
One thing is certain, you can be assured that at this time, there IS someone out here reading your stuff and REALLY thinking about it.
The time will also come where I will move on. You may very well breathe a great sigh of relief !