Lost and then, FOUND


This blog at its height had nigh on 100,000 views back around 2013/4 and after that milestone was achieved I kind of lost interest. The domain name expired and time slipped away. 

I am pleased that the site itself was not totally lost, because I invested a lot of my thoughts and feelings scattered throughout the posts contained herein. Today 3rd September 2020 and quite by chance, I was able to press a few buttons, change a few things and re-route the old blog site from the redundant domain and did a re-vamp and voila! It is back, it is found....less a few posts which referenced You Tube videos that have been removed since. 

A great deal has happened in the last 6-7 years since I posted last. The world has been (and STILL is) experiencing the COVID-19 Pandemic with no cure in sight. Politics around the globe seems tenuous and the plague rearing its ugly head in the Congo again coupled with economies, people and lives, businesses and livelihoods in flux to say but a few things we face currently. To say we live in interesting times would be an understatement. 

And so this next phase of my journey begins anew. 


Tammy said…
I am so pleased you are blogging again. You had...and HAVE...so much to share. 😊
Craig Peihopa said…
Thank you Tammy, Thank you so much.

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