Thoughts on Meeting Mr. Ricky Martin

I have had the opportunity twice now of meeting megastar, dancer, singer, actor, author and all round nice guy Mr. Ricky Martin.

I must say that on each occasion I walk away with an enormous amount of admiration and respect for this wonderful person who genuinely cares and loves the people who love his music and are touched by his life and life-force.

I was photographing him meeting and greeting his fans in a major shopping centre this evening. I stood in the one spot on stage whilst he laughed with, shook the hands of, embraced, and spoke with each of the 750 fans that had come to meet him, which doesn't take in to account the 2000 other people that couldn't get to meet him that stayed  for the 3 hours he was on stage. I was numb and sore after the exchange and he was so resilient. You could tell he was tiring, but he never showed it. He glanced at me a couple of times and just smiled in a way that suggested he was happy but tired.

There were so many different people, some who were so lovely and wonderful and a couple of people that kinda made you think twice. But all in all he was warm and genuine with EVERY person he spoke with.

He took that extra time with people notwithstanding the assistants and friends who by necessity of time were hurrying the people through.

I am a fan of this beautiful souled man. As an observer, it was as though he was a messiah like person as people were just trying to touch him and I ponder about the appeal, allure and nature of what celebrities seem to have. I want none of it I have determined. It is REALLY hard work. But then I am no stranger to hard work. I am still working on the pictures I took so that they can all be uploaded for the many fans who are eager to see images of their hero.

The assignment finished at 8:30pm and by the time I got home and started going through the 1700 pictures I took and am looking at it it's now 3:43am and I am tiring. I went through the Raw images to ensure the colour balance and levels were the best they can be.

There are now less than a hundred left that are processing, then I have to create an action in photoshop to reduce the size and put the watermark the client wanted on each picture and then I am off to sleep!!!! and then get up and have them delivered by 9am back to the client! It is another big day tomorrow and I am already looking forward to sleep on Friday night.

I would love to photograph a Ricky Martin album cover art or create some new images for a tour, but I cannot even imagine how to make that happen.

But in case Ricky ever reads my humble post, please know that I am grateful for you and people like you who continue to live your dreams. It gives oxygen and airflow for others to do the same.

Good night or should that be good morning world....



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