Catching up

I have been very reflective of late. I have had the chance in the past few weeks to share some hours with a brother from New Zealand as Will and I went to Queensland to share some time with one of our sisters, Nita. Shona was there and I really loved the conversations, and most importantly the time. Nita has an illness that may in fact be terminal, but more importantly than that, it was an amazing and beautiful time with someone I dearly love. Then coming home in the car with Shona and Will was just a wonderful experience as well. This few days has polarised me greatly since. I have been reserved and quiet as I digest the experience and re-assess things in my own life that are of value and importance. I am very grateful for family and friends who not only caught a glimpse of my hopes and dreams, but supported me and them as well. I am a very grateful person.


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